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This book is worthy of reading.

This book is titled An Introduction to American Literature. 这本书名为《美国文学指南》。
This book is too technical for me. 对我来说,这本书太专业了。
This book is too theoretical; I need a practical one. 这本书理论性太强,我需要一本实用的。
This book is very badly written, and its only saving grace is its interesting color photographs. 这本书写得很糟糕,唯一可取之处就是书上那些有趣的彩色照片。
This book is worth purchasing and reading in entirety. 这本书值得购买并全部阅读。
This book is worthy of reading. 这本书值得一读。
This book is written by Bill Gates. 这本书是比尔·盖茨写的。
This book is written for professionals and laymen alike. 这本书既可供专业人员阅读,又可供外行人看。
This book is written in French. 这本书是用法语写的。
This book is written in a specialized level byualified experts like Mr Shi Shuqing, who is the vicedirector of Chinese Cultural Relic Authenticating Committee and researcher of Chinese National Museum.his edition is divided into six volumes according toth 本书由国家文物鉴定委员会副主任委员、国家博物馆研究员史树青先生等业内资深专家以专业水准编写而成,按瓷器、玉器、杂项(两卷)、书法、绘画分为6卷。
This book is written specifically for scientists who have received formal education in speaking and writing English but for whom English is not a native nor an easily comfortable language. 本书特别针对已经受过正式的读写英语教育并且英语不是母语的科学工作者。

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