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Utilizing the theory of magnetic charge, the model for computing the bearing capacity of permanent magnetic thrust bearing was established, and the influences of non-uniformity of magnet magnetization and soft magnetic material on the bearing capacity and

Utilizing the electric double layer produced by hydration of cement to gather in superfluous water at negative electrode and reduce the water cement ratio of solidification by using electroosmosis technology. 方法采用电渗技术,利用水泥水化产生的双电层的导电性能,使混凝土中的多余水分向阴极聚集,以减少混凝土的凝结水灰质量比。
Utilizing the explanation which is called Kampwritten by Sontag to explain, it is even a quomodo with a feeling. 利用桑塔格的“坎普”的阐释来解说,它还是一种感觉方式和感受力。
Utilizing the grounding and kundahlini meditation from Supporting the Human Form in Ascension. 利用接地和“支持提升中的人类形体”中的昆达里尼(拙火)冥想。
Utilizing the new method, a system of construction safety appraisal for FTSF is presented. 借助于该评估方法,建立了扣件式钢管支模架施工风险评估体系。
Utilizing the related transformation theory knowledge of spatial coordinates, kinematics analysis was carried out on the double rocker mechanism and the spatial mathematic model and the optimization model based on the minimum turning errors were establish 摘要运用空间坐标变换理论的有关知识,对双摇臂机构进行运动学分析,建立空间数学模型和基于转向误差最小的最优化模型。
Utilizing the theory of magnetic charge, the model for computing the bearing capacity of permanent magnetic thrust bearing was established, and the influences of non-uniformity of magnet magnetization and soft magnetic material on the bearing capacity and 运用磁荷理论建立了计算永磁推力轴承承载力模型,研究了磁铁磁化不均性和软磁材料对轴承承载力及刚度的影响。
Utilizing their environment, the spore walkers are able to derive toxins from the spores and fungi of the marsh, which they in turn use to stun or immobilize their prey. 它们能充分的利用环境,从沼泽里的真菌以及孢子获得毒素,在捕猎的时候能让它们的猎物失去行动能力甚至晕厥。
Utrafiltration(UL)—Ultrafilltration is a membrane process with the ability to separate molecules in solution on the basis of size .The separation process is driven by pressure. 超滤---超滤是利用膜在两侧的压力差和筛分原理,在分子水平上使不同粒径的混合物在通过超滤膜时,实现选择性分离。
Utterance-meaning is based on sentence-meaning; the former is concrete and context-dependent and the latter is abstract and decontextualized. 句子意义是抽象的,是句子的语义内容;话语意义基于句子意义,是句子意义在特定语境中的具体化,体现说话的人意图和目的。
Uttering a cry, the sea gull flaps its wings. 那阵阵长啸,是海鸥在展翅搏击。
Utterly abhor and detest it, for it is set apart for destruction. 你要十分厌恶,十分憎嫌,因为这是当毁灭的物。”

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