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“Sometimes the one living in that cardboard box is happier than the one living at the penthouse,” he said.

“Somebody said it's me? Hm..not bad, very good resemblance! Whose work is this? 有个很粗的声音说:“有人说是我吗!不错!很像,是谁的杰作呀?”
“Someone said that Oddo will not play? That is totally untrue,” said a fuming Lotito on Friday. 有人说奥多不会上场?全都是不正确的,愤怒的洛蒂托在周五说道.
“Something is out of our control, so we have to command ourselves.” said Linghu Chong, a known character in a Chinese novel. Who is, however, fucking he? 令狐冲说“有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。”可是,他算什么!
“Sometimes is OK,” laughs Holly. 霍莉笑了,“偶尔弹过来也没关系。”
“Sometimes people studying development can be misled by knowing how things work in an adult animal,” she added. “You have so much information about the end point that you may not open your eyes to what happens early on. 她又说到:“有时研究发育的人们会被知道这些东西如何在成年动物体内工作所误导,你有如此多的关于终点的信息,以至于你不知道早期发生了什么。”
“Sometimes the one living in that cardboard box is happier than the one living at the penthouse,” he said. “有时住在纸盒子里的人比住在棚屋中的人快乐,”他说。
“Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known. 有时候,如果你站在一座桥的最下面的一根栏杆上,弯腰看河水在你下面缓缓流过,你会突然明白一切。
“Son , I only hope you'll come back sound and safe.” Says his mother in tears. “不管咋着,把你捎回来就中!”娘的眼里闪着晶莹的光。
“Sons can grow up to be their daddies!” he said defiantly. “They can.” I didn't argue. It made me feel good. “儿子长大后就跟爸爸一样!就能跟爸爸一样”。他争辩说。我没反驳。他的固执令我窃喜。
“Soo Min is not you. “秀敏不是你。”
“Sorry again. We don't feel like telling others about that either, “ she again refused to answer. “对不起,我们也不愿意把这事告诉给人家。”她再次拒绝了对方。

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