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China has the good winged steed that the old saying says to have often but Bo Le has no oftenBo Le who can criticize me it is that winged steed, to be not to discover me, write this message being also to want to let you take me seriously, I think that I h

China has some leverage over its neighbour, absorbing the largest share of North Korea's paltry exports (about a third) and providing aid and energy in return. 中国队与邻国朝鲜确有一些影响力,她吸纳了朝鲜最大份额的小商品出口(约占三分之一),并提供经济援助和能源支持作为回报。
China has spent several billion dollars during the past few years to build its semiconductor fab dream, but that investment hasn't yielded dividends — at least not the kind that Wall Street likes. 为了实现其半导体晶圆厂的梦想,中国在过去的几年时间里花费了数十亿美元的资金,但它的投资并没有获得回报-至少没有达到华尔街想要的结果。
China has strong laws to protect people from advertisements that lie or try to make people believe untrue claims about products or services. 为保护消费者,对于不实广告或者欺骗性广告中国制定了严格的法律。
China has suffered several doping scandals in recent years. 近几年,中国已经数次爆出兴奋剂丑闻。
China has taken some steps to better identify and protect some foreign and domestic trafficking victims, particularly through enhanced cross-border cooperation. 中国采取了一些措施特别是通过加强跨境合作,以便更好地甄别和保护外国和本国的贩运受害者。
China has the good winged steed that the old saying says to have often but Bo Le has no oftenBo Le who can criticize me it is that winged steed, to be not to discover me, write this message being also to want to let you take me seriously, I think that I h 中国有句古话说的好“千里马常有而伯乐不常有”可以说我就是那个“千里马”,就是没有发现我的伯乐,写这封信也是想让你重视我,我觉得我有这个能力,希望你可以相信我。
China has the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world, worth over a trillion dollars. 中国有世界上最多的外汇储备,价值超过一万亿美元。
China has the relative competitive advantage. 中国拥有相对竞争优势。
China has the relative superiority. 中国拥有相对优势。
China has traditionally put government money on deposit at the country's central bank, reflecting how under communism, the central bank was essentially China's only financial institution. 中国过去一贯将政府资金存于央行,在社会主义计划经济时期,央行基本上是中国唯一的金融机构。
China has turned down past invitations to attend G8 events, but this year's invitation from France comes at a time when both countries have expressed strong support for a multi-polar power structure in the world. 中国以前拒绝了出席八国峰会的邀请,但是今年的邀请来自法国,这一时期,中法两国都表示强烈支持世界多极化结构。

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