To form an interim constitution, constitute an interim government accordingly, to announce the date for elections of the Constituent Assembly (CA), to dissolve the House of Representatives on the basis of consensus and after making alternative arrangement
制定临时宪法,并依此组成临时政府;宣布制宪会议选举的日期;在双方达成共识并做好必要的安排后解散议会;在七党联盟和尼泊尔共产党(毛主义)达成的12点协议基础上,解散尼泊尔共产党(毛主义)领导的人民政府;遵守停火协议;保证人民在1990年人民运动和最近历史性人民运动中争得的权利。 |
To form the results of an operation in an accumulator.
在累加器中形成运算结果。 |
To formulate and implement the company's Human Resources policies, procedures and program.
制定和实施公司人力资源政策、程序和计划。 |
To formulate product development schedule, to establish and implement whole process of projects.
设计产品发展规划时间表,制定和监督执行整个计划的进程。 |
To formulate, monitor and control sales plans and territories.
制定销售计划,监督和控制计划的执行。 |
To foster any major change, a massive uprising became necessary, as the fluidity to create a gradual change had been fractured into the unconscious.
为了培育任何大变动,大量的起义是必要的,因为能创造渐变的流动性已经被粉碎成无意识。 |
To foster team consciousness between members, as the main purpose, the open day of student technology club in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics was held.
南京航空航天大学微软学生技术俱乐部开放日主要是为培养俱乐部成员团队意识而举行的。 |
To foster the students' ability of making English speech means to stress on the training of their comprehensive language ability, their psychological adaptability, their logical thinking ability and their non-verbal communication ability.
在训练大学生英语演讲时必须注重对其综合运用英语语言的能力、心理适应能力、逻辑思维能力和非语言交际能力的培养。 |
To found modern socialist country, the issue of farmer must posit on the primary place from now on.
要建设社会主义现代化国家,现在就应该把解决农民问题放在第一位。 |
To free ourselves from animal instincts and appetites, which keep us down, we should begin at the very root from which we spring: we should effect a radical reform in the character of the food.
要让我们免于具有下堕的动物天性与食性,我们必须从最根本开始:即,我们必须在食物的选择上做彻底的改变。 |
To fulfil this need, the new frigates are expected to be not only capable of carrying out various missions in deep oceans far from the homeport, but also cost-efficient so that it can be built in a relatively large number.
为了满足这一需要,新一级的导弹护卫舰不仅要能够在远离母港的大洋执行各种任务,而且必须是造价低廉利于较大规模的建造。 |