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We think that the 0.~0.0D of astigmatism should be reduced depend up the age and the dioptry for their emmetropization.
因此 ,实际矫治时可根据其年龄和屈光度适当减 0 . ~ 0 . 0 D,以利于其正视化发育过程

We reviewed 0 cages of endometrial stromal tumorg treated in Cancer Institute (Hospital), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences from 98 to 988. All 0 patients had endolymphatic stromal myosis (ESM) (Low-grade endometrial stromal tumors). 本文报道自98年至988年底于中国医学科学院肿瘤医院治疗的有完整临床及病理资料的0例子宫内膜间质肉瘤。 参照组织学分类标准,0例均属于淋巴管内间质异位症(低度恶性子宫内膜间质肉瘤)。
We should add "right of business mortgage"to the right of mortgage of Reality of Lawin future,and promulgate Pawning of Lawtipulated by supreme legislature. 应在未来的《物权法》的“抵押权”中增设“营业抵押权”的一般规定,并出台一部由最高立法机关制定的特别法《典当法》,以具体规定房产典当法律关系。
We should focus on source controls, such as to eradicate the accumulative circumstances and monitor transitional circumstances,to restrain people's parsnip to profits, to build power control system and strengthen the punishment to the criminals. 要消除贪污受贿犯罪 ,必须从消除原发性情境、监控过度性情境入手 ,抑制贪污受贿的利益驱动 ,建立权力制约机制 ,加大对行贿人的处罚力度 ,加强舆论监督和有关制度建设 ,实行关口前移 ,力争从源头上遏制贪污受贿犯罪。
We should standardize the order of income distribution, properly regulate the excessively high income of some monopoly industries and outlaw illegal gains. 完善社会主义分配体制,规范分配秩序,合理调节少数垄断性行业的过高收入,取缔非法收入。
We should utilise different ways and means to study different contents of TCM. 我们应以不同的研究方法去研究不同的中医内容。
We think that the 0.~0.0D of astigmatism should be reduced depend up the age and the dioptry for their emmetropization. 因此 ,实际矫治时可根据其年龄和屈光度适当减 0 . ~ 0 . 0 D,以利于其正视化发育过程
We treated cases of middle caries and non caries dentin mantle lesion with rebase with plastic resin. 对 例中龋和非龋所致牙本质浅层破坏的治疗 ,用洞衬疗法代替垫底法 ,可减少对洞深高度的要求。
We use CAPTCHA to prevent zombie machines from connecting to the server by TCP. Combined with server cluster,we design the TCP redirection to improve the load balance of the server system to ensure a better service ability. 合服务器分簇技术,通过TCP连接重定向,进一步改进服务器系统的负载均衡水平,从而在遏制DDoS攻击的同时,提高整个系统的服务能力。
We use activated sepiolite to process the absorption experiment on heavy meatal ion ( Ni+, Cr+, Pb+, Cu+, Cd+), noble metal ion (Ag+), dynamite cotnposton in water (TNT) and industrial oil. 进行了活化后的海泡石对重金属离子(Cr~(+)、Pb~(+)、Cu~(+)、Cd~(+))、贵金属离子(以Ag~+为代表)、水中炸药组份(以TNT为例)、工业油的吸附实验;
We use line scanning to certify that there is no intermetallics FeAl and Fe Al at the interface. 用线扫描等手段论证了界面处没有金属间化合物FeAl 和Fe Al 生成。
Weak liquefaction foundation treated by CFG pile and crushed stone pile CFG桩与碎石桩联合处理软弱液化地基

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