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Say no bilge water about the mater.

Say hello to your husband. 问你的丈夫好。
Say if free market will increase the productivity, but will make 5% people misrable. 比如说自由市场可以提高生产效率,但是会让5%的人无法生存。
Say it directly, I take a time. 请直接说,我敢时间。
Say it in a complete sentence. 请用完整的句子说这句话。
Say it to me, only to me, in secret. 对我说吧,秘密地对我一个人说吧。
Say no bilge water about the mater. 在这个问题上别说废话。
Say no more,Senator Organa.At this point it's better to leave things unsaid. 不要再说了,奥加纳议员.现在最好不事情说出来.
Say no to drugs. Don't gamble your life away. 拒绝毒品,别拿生命做赌注。
Say not thou, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee. 22你不要说,我要以恶报恶。要等候耶和华,他必拯救你。
Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this. 传7:10不要说、先前的日子强过如今的日子、是甚麽缘故呢.你这样问、不是出于智慧。
Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee. 28你那里若有现成的,不可对邻舍说,去吧,明天再来,我必给你。

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