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If a 160-pound human must give up telomerase to thwart cancer, then what does a 250,000-pound whale have to do to keep its risk of cancer at bay?

If You love her,you should treasure her heart,your lover is so pure. just like the lucid spring water winding form the mountains with forest. 如果你爱她,就要保护她的心,你的爱是那样纯洁,宛如苍翠山中清澈的泉水。
If Your Excellency has any opinion, can contact page to leave opinion. 如果阁下有任何意见,可在联络页留下意见.
If a sister of a godopen a tavern, or enter a tavern to drink, then shall this woman be burned to death. 如果神的姊妹开酒店,或者进入酒店喝酒,则这个女人将被烧死。
If a ' or a character matches the last category, the behavior is undefined. 如果一个'或字符属于最后一类,其行为未定义。
If a 10% revaluation of the yuan were matched by all other Asian currencies, the dollar's trade-weighted index would fall by 4%. 如果其他亚洲货币和人民币一起升值10%,美元的贸易加权指数将会下跌4%。
If a 160-pound human must give up telomerase to thwart cancer, then what does a 250,000-pound whale have to do to keep its risk of cancer at bay? 如果160磅的人类必须通过放弃端粒酶来阻挠癌症的发生,那么海里250,000磅的鲸鱼有将如何来控制它们得癌症的几率呢?
If a Buddha signs, it is going to be absolutely different. 如果佛签字,那将会大不相同。
If a Credit contains conditions without stating the document(s) to be presented in compliance therewith, banks will deem such conditions as not stated and will disregard them. 如信用证含有某些条件而未列明需提交与之相符的单据者,银行将认为未列明此条件,对此不予理会。
If a DEATH NOTE owner accidentally misspells a name four times, that person will be free from being killed by the DEATH NOTE. 若死亡笔记持有人在笔记写错某人的名字四次,不论是故意还是无意,那人将不能再被那本笔记杀死。
If a Deadly Strike is scored by other than a player character, e.g. a mercenary, it doubles all damage types, rather than just physical damage. 如果致命一击是由玩家以外的角色所触发,例如一个雇佣兵,那么所有伤害类型都会被翻倍,而不仅仅是物理伤害。
If a Hunter Wyvern Stingsan enemy already asleep from Wyvern Sting, the Wyvern Stingsleep will now be reapplied correctly. 假如猎人使用翼龙钉刺射击一个已经通过此技能睡着的敌人,那么应用在敌人的翼龙钉刺技能的睡眠时间会被重置。

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