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Diagnosing and Monitoring Malignant Trophoblastic Cytoma with Color Doppler Flow Imaging

Dexamethasonum, astessizole 0% human albumin and vitamine K wereused to treat the suffocation (sneeze crisis) of pertussis and pertussal syndrome in 80 infants, aged 8-00 day, according as L8 (7) table. 由L8(7)表按排治疗 月龄以下伴有憋气的百日咳及百日咳综合征80例。 观察憋气Apgar评分减轻度的天数和憋气消失无数,以比较应用地塞米松、息斯敏、0%人体白蛋白和维生素K用与不用对上述两者的影响。
Dexter──A Reference Model of Hypertext Dexter──超文本系统的一种标准模型
Diabase dikes exposed on the northwestern margin of the Tarim basin contain . %-9. % SiO have higher values of NaO+KO(. %-.0%)and NaO/KO(. -9.),showing the features of intraplate basalt. 塔里木盆地西北缘出露的辉绿岩墙的SiO含量为. %~9. %,NaO+KO(. %~.0%)和NaO/KO均较高(. ~9.),主量元素反映板内玄武岩的特点。
Diagnoses about psychology of reading for medico 医学生阅读心理调查分析
Diagnosing and Control of Moult of Clouded Leopard 云豹脱毛症的诊断与控制
Diagnosing and Monitoring Malignant Trophoblastic Cytoma with Color Doppler Flow Imaging 彩色多普勒血流显像在诊断恶性滋养细胞肿瘤中的价值
Diagnosis and Genetic Study on the Caryotype ,Xdel(Xpter→p)Syndrom Xdel(Xpter→p)核型综合征的诊断和遗传学研究
Diagnosis and Treatment of Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome Klippel-Trenaunay综合征的诊断和治疗
Diagnosis and Treatment of the Metastases in Sella Turcica 垂体区转移癌的诊断和治疗
Diagnosis and management of tumors with orbito- cranial access 眶颅沟通肿瘤的诊断与治疗
Diagnosis and surgical treatment of thoraco-abdominal injuries 胸腹联合伤的诊断和治疗

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