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Be in the light of “the technology is creative, the profession is in the lead” of business enterprise development strategy, meet the company of Wel Bioer scolds the huge sum usher in the international top-grade production equipments with the profession te

Be in charge of the implementation and management of project:begin with project receiving from Sales Dept,close with transmitting the completed project to After-Sales Service Dept. 负责项目的实施及管理:从销售部门接收到项目开始,到项目完成转移到售后服务部门结束。
Be in new start Five-Year Plan in developing the strategy, have two serious content: It is collaboration of as strong as the world look forward to, produce Chinese textile advantage and international brand advantage adequately, integrated industry catenar 在新启动的“五年计划”发展战略中,有两项重要内容:一是与世界强企合作,充分发挥中国纺织品优势与国际品牌优势,整合产业链,提升附加值;二是与大院高校合作,设立服装研发中心,建立完善的研发设计、生产、营销、服务体系,以“设计引领时尚、生产保证品质、营销开拓市场、服务赢得信誉”为企业发展新概念、新目标,以“务实、稳健、创新、超越”为企业理念,争取成为行业翘楚,努力树立中华民族企业形象,打造国际一流名牌。
Be in once I there was seen by me when expert paper, I say very furiously to him: How are you old my toilet paper? 有一次在我那儿拿手纸时被我看见了,我很气愤地对他说:你怎么老那我的手纸?
Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the Lord shall rede 弥4:1000锡安的民哪、〔民原文作女子〕你要疼痛劬劳彷佛产难的妇人.因为你必从城里出来、住在田野、到巴比伦去.在那里要蒙解救、在那里耶和华必救赎你脱离仇敌的手。
Be in position to confirm production plans. 生产计划的确认。
Be in the light of “the technology is creative, the profession is in the lead” of business enterprise development strategy, meet the company of Wel Bioer scolds the huge sum usher in the international top-grade production equipments with the profession te 本着“科技创新,专业领先”的企业发展战略,逢骏公司斥巨资引进国际一流的生产设备和专业技术人才,运用最先进的科学技术从野玫瑰、芦荟、海藻,鲜果等纯天然植物及天然鲜果中萃取天然养颜驻容精华成分,并与东方女性特殊的发质、肤质相结合,研制出了符合时代潮流的洗发护发,美容护肤品牌“肤之恋”。
Be in when them in closet when rouge, they can imprint the lip on the mirror to leave a lip to imprint. 当她们在洗手间里擦口红时,她们会将嘴唇印在镜子上留下唇印。
Be informative without being obtrusive or vexatious. 能较敏锐地领会指导。
Be informed that your winning prize has a hardcover insurance policy that makes it impossible to make any deduction of any kind, until the sum is finally credited into your designated account. 在此通知你,为防止奖金发生危险,你的奖金随附一张用硬封面装订的保险单,以保证将尽最后转入您的注册账户里。
Be initiative, independent and have teamwork spirit. 工作积极主动,独立,有团队精神。
Be inquisitive about unfamiliar circumstances. 对不熟悉的情况保持疑问的好奇。

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