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The extraordinary life of Rotary's founder is fabulous for an author,says Dareau. Paul Harris's story lets me expand on humanitarian themes that go far beyond a single Rotarian.

The excimer laser penetrates deeply enough to stimulate surviving melanocytes to migrate up hair follicles to the vitiligo patches on the skin,Dr. Spencer says. 准分子激光穿透更深,刺激毛囊中的黑素细胞增加和转移到皮损部位。
The exile will soon be set free, and will not die in the dungeon, nor will his bread be lacking. 赛51:14被掳去的快得释放、必不死而下坑.他的食物、也不致缺乏。
The expansion remains firm and labor market conditions continue to improve gradually,the central bank's top policymaking group, the Federal Open Market Committee, said in a statement after nudging its benchmark federal funds rate to 3.25 percent from 3 pe “经济增长仍然稳固,劳工市场的状况逐步得到改善”,美国中央银行最高政策制定班子——联邦公开市场委员会在将联邦基金基准利率从3%轻微推高至3.25%后的一份声明中说。
The expectation is huge - and you have to win at all costs. “期望很大,你必须尽一切努力去赢得胜利。”
The extra-large purses are quite phenomenal. They look beautiful when the women wear them, but I don't know how aware they are of the potential problems,Case said. 凯斯说:“超大号的手提包确实很‘酷’,拎起来也很漂亮。但我不知道女性对于这种包可能带来的潜在健康问题究竟了解多少。”
The extraordinary life of Rotary's founder is fabulous for an author,says Dareau. Paul Harris's story lets me expand on humanitarian themes that go far beyond a single Rotarian. 达罗说:「扶轮创始人不平凡的一生,对作家来讲就好像神话故事。保罗.哈理斯的故事让我能在超越扶轮社员个人的人道主题上发挥。」
The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. 太6:22眼睛就是身上的灯.你的眼睛若了亮、全身就光明。
The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. 路11:34你眼睛就是身上上的灯、你的眼睛若了亮、全身就光明.眼睛若昏花、全身就黑暗。
The fact is -- airports vie for passengers,says Robert Aaronson, of the ACI. 机场国际协会的罗伯特·阿隆森说:“事实就是——机场在争夺客源。”
The fact is that in life you poise delicately and yet perfectly between realities, and after death you do the same. “事实是,在生活中,你巧妙而完美地在实在之间平衡,在死后你也是如此。
The fact is that it's not relevant. I have two years left on my contract and I want to stay and sign a new one. “事实是这些都与我无关。我剩下还有两年的合约,我想继续留下来并签订新的合同。”

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