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Second, information should be widely accessible.

Second, if you run into Mr Mizoguchi in the US Treasury headquarters in Washington, stop for a moment and thank him. 其次,如果你在华盛顿的美国财政部撞见沟口先生,要停下脚步向他致谢。
Second, improve command and control, as there is a mandatory need for a unified or sole source command. 第二,提高指挥与调度,统一而唯一的指挥是法律要求的。
Second, in order to get the security,the franchisee has to sacrifice some independence. (第二,为了获得安全,获得特许者不得不牺牲—些独立性。)
Second, in recent period of time, there has been an increase in the number of refugees from the DPRK and they have affected the normal business and operations of foreign missions in China, particularly those consular posts, including the one from the Repu 第二,近来进入中国的朝鲜难民数量增加,包括韩国领事馆在内的一些外国驻华领事馆的正常业务受到了影响。
Second, inflation is a lagging indicator, which usually continues to rise through the early stages of recession and then falls as more slack is created. 第二,通货膨胀是落后的指示器,通货膨胀通常通过初级阶段的不景气持续上升,然后跌落到比初期更不景气。
Second, information should be widely accessible. 第二,信息应该是很容易广泛获取的。
Second, it dealt a telling blow to villeinage, and third, a new class of yeomen farmers emerged, paving the way to the development of capitalism. 这次起义沉重打击了封建农奴制度,产生了全新的自耕农阶级,为资本主义发展铺设了道路。
Second, it discusses the development and the historical position of Sugar Cane Farmers Insurance. 第二部份则是进入「蔗农保险」的主题,分析「蔗农保险」的发展历史、实施状况与制度的定位与特征。
Second, it has immediate commercial implications for the Chinese nuclear power industry. 第二,他们这样可以满足中国核工业电力商业利益。
Second, it is asymmetrical: a break in the internal colonnade accommodates some now vanished structure or feature. 第二,形状不对称:内侧的列柱少了一部份,以配合某个现今已不存在的结构。
Second, it is comparable with the energy uncertainty due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, for reasonably long intervals of time. 其次,由于相当长的时间间隔,它接近于由于海森伯格的测不准原理引起的能量的不确定度。

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