Mr Wang took all these with stamina, patience and determination as he wanted a different life and like to make it BIG.
但王先生想开始一个不同的生活,想把公司做大,他下定决心,以自己的毅力、耐力和决心接受一切。 |
Mr Warren shrugged off the conservative criticism.
华理克对来自保守派的批评不屑一顾。 |
Mr Warren's invitation to the Democratic senator (who dutifully submitted to a mouth swab for HIV) brought a rebuke from conservative churchmen and commentators who object to his attitude to abortion.
华理克对这个民主党参议员(他主动提供了口腔拭子做HIV病毒检测)的邀请,引起了保守的教士和非教士(但主持宗教仪式)的谴责,他们反对参议员在堕胎问题上的态度。 |
Mr Webb is in REM more than half the night, having feature-length dreams.
韦布夜里大部分时间都在进行快速动眼运动,还会做长时间的梦。 |
Mr Weber's attempt to recreate an iconic list of landmarks is hardly original.
韦伯先生试图重订一份与原来不一样而具有象徵性的清单。 |
Mr Wen also pledged his full su ort for Hong Kong.
温家宝承诺会全力支持香港。 |
Mr Wen also pledged his full support for Hong Kong.
温家宝承诺会全力支持香港。 |
Mr Wen called for strengthened resolve to “accelerate all reforms”.
温总理号召要坚定信心“加速各项改革”。 |
Mr Wen gave the impression that China would continue serenely on its chosen course for the indefinite future.
温先生给人的印象是,中国将继续走那条自己选择的不知所踪的道路。 |
Mr Wen in his opening address said the government would “shift the focus” of state infrastructure development and the development of social programmes to the countryside, where income growth has been slower than in the cities (7.4% in real terms last year
温家宝在开幕演讲中说,政府会将“焦点转移”,从发展国家基础设施和社会项目转向农村,农村的收入成长低于城市(去年实际为7.4%,而相比之下,城市的成长率为10.4%)。 |
Mr Wen must have bitten his tongue.
温也一定有所保留。 |