Political institutions(rules that specify the structure and decision making framework of the polity)will be stable only if they are supported by organizations with an interest in their perpetuation.
只有当政治制度(确认政体的结构和制定决策的框架的规则)受到组织的支持并与组织的长期利益相一致时,它才会稳定。 |
Political interests: About to step down after six years as governor of Chukotka, in far north-east Russia.
政治兴趣:在任俄罗斯东北部偏远地区楚科塔州长6年之后,正在谋求卸任。 |
Political language...is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
治语言……目的就是使谎言听起来像真理,杀人听起来值得尊敬,也给完全虚无飘渺之物以实实在在之感。 |
Political leaders exploded a bombshell when they picked the young lawyer to run for mayor.
政界头面人物推举这位年轻的律师出来竞选市长,这真是个“爆炸”新闻。 |
Political leaders were not well thought of and those songs oft en made fun of them.
人们对政治领袖的看法不好,并且那些歌曲经常就是取笑他们的。 |
Political legitimacy is the outcome of political identity, while information communication is the imperative condition.
摘要政治合法性是政治认同的产物,而信息传播是政治认同产生的必要条件。 |
Political matters interest him greatly.
他对政治问题深感兴趣。 |
Political modernization that pushed by science and technology revolution and citizenry's revolution is the political structure's transition process from the traditional political consciousness to the modern political consciousness which adapts to the mode
摘要政治现代化系指政治结构在科技革命和市民革命的推动下所经历的由传统政治意识形态向适应现代工业文明或信息文明发展要求的政治意识形态的演变过程;政治现代化的实现有着多方面的生态限度,为此,要实现对生态限度的超越以促进政治现代化,必须重塑政治-自然生态、政治-经济生态、政治-伦理生态以及政治-社会生态。 |
Political news is dominated by flattering coverage of Mr Putin's day.
政治新闻里充斥着对普京的谄媚之辞。 |
Political news is often closely related to economic and social problems.
政治新闻往往与经济和社会问题息息相关. |
Political philosophy can be classified, according to its academic mission, into three types: the first is a development of philosophy in the field of political research, which is treated as concentration of the cream of political studies; the second is no
摘要政治哲学依其承担的学术使命可以划分为三种基本类型:一种是哲学在政治研究领域的展开,被当作是政治学精华的浓缩;一种是在政治学中与所谓实证研究对立起来的规范研究,主要使命是阐述政治的本质或价值;一种以统一政治学研究中的价值理论与经验科学为目标。 |