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Waxes for Chinese-Traditional-Medicine Pill Outer Shell : Mainly used as sealer for Chinese-Traditional Medicine pill outer shell with waterproof , moisture-proof and mildew prevent function.

Waviness - Widely spaced imperfections on the surface of a wafer. 波纹-晶圆片表面经常出现的缺陷。
Waving red flags, the mostly elderly protester voice their regret that the group of the communist party hardliners failed in their attempt to oust Mikhail Gorbachev from power in 1991. 主要为老年人的抗议者挥舞着旗帜喊出了他们对共产党的强硬派没有能够把戈尔巴乔夫赶下台的惋惜。
Waving red flags, the mostly elderly protesters voiced their regret that the group of Communist hardliners failed in their attempt to oust Mikhail Gorbachev from power in 1991. 这些绝大多数都已年迈的支持者们,挥舞着红旗,表达他们的遗憾,在1991年,共产党的强硬派在试图让戈尔巴乔夫下台的行动中失利。
Wax polish preserves wood and leather. 上光蜡可以保护木料和皮革。
Waxes for Against Chapping : This product divides the emulsion and the solid two kinds , mainly is suitable for the lumber or the building board to make waterproofing and moisture-proof treatment and against chapping processing treatment. 防龟裂用蜡:本产品分乳液和固体二种,主要适用于木材或人造板的端头防水防潮和防龟裂处理。
Waxes for Chinese-Traditional-Medicine Pill Outer Shell : Mainly used as sealer for Chinese-Traditional Medicine pill outer shell with waterproof , moisture-proof and mildew prevent function. 中药丸外壳用蜡:本产品主要用于中药丸外壳的密封,具有防水、防潮和防霉变作用。
Waxes for Dropping Resistance from Candle's Container : Mainly used for candle dropping resistance from cup for cup candle to decrease the shrinkage of paraffin wax greatly and adding burning time of candle. 杯蜡烛防脱杯剂:主要用于杯蜡制品的防脱杯处理,明显减少石蜡的收缩、增加蜡烛的燃烧时间。
Waxes for High Grade Tile Dirt-proof : Excellent combining curing material and waxed synthesis , effectively seals off the residual pore after polish and agglutination of Smooth porcelain , normal temperature operation , convenient quickly , causes lastin 高级瓷砖防污用蜡:本产品通过光固化材料与蜡状物的有机结合,有效封堵抛光砖在烧结和抛光后残留的微孔,常温操作,方便快捷,使抛光砖持久光亮洁净。
Waxes for Shoeshine: It can be used on solid and liquid shoeshine with function of polish, protect, moisture-proof and retouching. 鞋油用蜡:可用于固体或液体鞋油产品的加工制造,具有上光,护理,防潮,润饰的作用。
Waxes for Surfboard: Mainly uses in the surfboard on stand the surface to prevent slip. 冲浪板用蜡系列:主要用于冲浪板的站立面防滑。
Waxes for Textile Sizing : as one ingredient of sizing agent with effect of lubricating and anti-flying or anti-break -line . 纺织用上浆蜡:本产品为上浆料成分之一,起润滑和防止飞花或断线作用。

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