John Terry's momentous appointment to the England captaincy boosts an already impressive collection of international captains at Chelsea.
约翰·特里被任命为英格兰队的队长,将使得蓝军球员中的国家队队长人数达到让人羡慕的程度。 |
John Thornton was sitting near the edge, Buck at his shoulder.
那悬崖立于三百尺下面赤裸的河床岩石上,陡如刀削。 |
John Tsang, the Hong Kong commerce secretary due to host December's ministerial, told the FT the process was “at crisis point.
香港工商及科技局局长曾俊华告诉《金融时报》,这一进程“处在危急关头”。他将主持12月的部长级会议。 |
John Tyson, the company's boss, also employs an ordained minister as an executive coach to help him wrestle with ethical questions.
公司老板约翰·泰森还雇用了一名经过正式任命的牧师作为执行督导,帮助他对付道德问题。 |
John Vargo, the publisher of Boating on the Hudson magazine, said his alert about the sightings was met with disbelief by some boaters.Some were laughing about it, because it couldn't possibly be true,he said.
《泛舟哈德逊河》杂志出版商约翰·瓦尔戈说一些划船者不相信河里有海牛出没,“一些人对有海牛的说法嗤之以鼻,因为他们不相信这会是真的”。 |
John Wain, Graham Swift and Julian Barnes are all important figures in inheriting and developing that tradition.
约翰?韦恩、格雷厄姆?斯威夫特和朱利安?巴恩斯都是这一传统中继往开来的重要人物。 |
John Wales of Wilmington, Delaware asked his cousin, Emily Bissell to raise $300 to keep his tuberculosis sanitorium open.
艾米丽向红十字会求助,但是出了口头支持,她什么也没得到。 |
John Wells, Professor of Phonetics at the University of London, said regional twangs had been seen before in birds.
伦敦大学语音学教授约翰.威尔斯指出,鸟类也曾出现地方口音。 |
John Wesley, “ My ground is the Bible. Yea, I am a Bible-bigot. I follow it in all things, both great and small.
约翰卫斯理:「圣经就是我的原则。不错,我对圣经十分执著。事无大小,我都遵从圣经而行。」 |
John Westfall discovered that the crater in the study had existed before 1953.
约翰·威斯特福尔发现,被研究的陨石坑1953年以前就已存在。 |
John Williamson,Development of the Financial System in Post-Crisis Asia,ADB Institue Working Paper no.8,March,2000.
叶欣、冯宗宪:《外资银行进入对本国银行体系稳定性的影响》,[北京]《世界经济》2004年第1期. |