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Colorado and Nevada residents will consider medicinal marijuana questions, while Coloradans and Oregonians will ruminate over the question of required background checks for individuals wishing to purchase firearms at gun shows.

Colorado Children's Chorale is one of the three world-famous children's chorales, together with Vienna Children's Chorale and Eton Children's Chorale in Britain. 科罗拉多青少年音乐艺术团是和维也纳童声合唱团、英国伊顿公学童声合唱团齐名的世界三大童声合唱团之一。
Colorado Governor James Peabody sends the state militia into the town of Cripple Creek to break up a miners' strike. 1903年,科罗拉多州州长詹姆士·皮博笛派出民兵到克瑞泊·克利克驱散那里的矿工罢工。
Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy--- 科罗拉多国际环境法律和政策期刊,科罗拉多大学.
Colorado State University accounts for almost a third of the city's population when classes are in session and offers 70 undergraduate programs to students from all 50 states and over 100 countries. 科罗拉多洲立大学学生几乎咱了城市人口的三分之一,它位来自五十多个洲,一百多个国家的学生提供了70个的本科课程。
Colorado University Law Library--- 科罗拉多大学法学院法律图书馆.
Colorado and Nevada residents will consider medicinal marijuana questions, while Coloradans and Oregonians will ruminate over the question of required background checks for individuals wishing to purchase firearms at gun shows. 科罗拉多州和内华达州居民会考虑药用大麻的问题,但科罗拉多人和俄勒冈人会仔细考虑个人在枪支展览会上购买武器的个人进行背景调查的问题。
Colorado's Maroon Bells are said to be the most photographed peaks in North America. Maroon Lake mirrors their jewel-like beauty. 科罗拉多州的褐铃峰据说是北美洲被拍摄最多的山峰,而褐湖宛如一面闪亮的明镜,映照出褐铃峰那奇珍异宝般的美景。
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant neoplasms, and apoptotic dysfunction plays an important role in its tumorigenesis and metastasis. 摘要大肠癌为常见的恶性肿瘤,细胞凋亡调控失常在其发生和发展中起着重要作用。
Colored lightly or faintly; tinged. 着色的很轻地或很淡地涂色的;染色的
Colored lights glowed out on the festival night. 节日之夜,灯火辉煌。
Colored people are by no means inferior to white people. 有色人种丝毫不比白人低劣。

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