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My father is always finding fault with the way I do things.

My father is a stubborn man who never meets anybody halfway. 我爸是一个固执的人,他从不迁就任何人。
My father is a truck driver. 我爸爸是个卡车司机.
My father is a very handsome ,happy ,and hardworking man. 我父亲是一个非常帅,开心和勤奋得人.
My father is a worker, my mother is a housewife. 我父亲是个工人,我母亲是个家庭主妇。
My father is a writer rather than a philosopher. 与其说我父亲是一个哲学家,不如说他是个作家.
My father is always finding fault with the way I do things. 我父亲总是对我做事的方式百般挑剔。
My father is always in good mood. 我的父亲心情一直很好。
My father is an engineer, my mother is an accountant. 我父亲是工程师,母亲是会计。
My father is arriving in Berlin tomorrow. 我父亲明天到达柏林。
My father is busy mending my bike in the garden. I must stop to help him. 我父亲正在花园里修理我的自行车,我必须停下手边的工作去帮他。
My father is completely exhausted. 我父亲精疲力竭。

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