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Already, Ukraine's 1 percent adult prevalence rate is the highest in all of Europe.

Already we reminisce about past Sweet Fridays, and daydream about the one coming up. 我们经常回忆已经过去的甜蜜星期五,而且还梦想着下一个快乐星期五的到来。
Already well aware of Hargreaves' virtues from international duty with England, Rio concedes the younger new arrivals are a little more of an unknown quantity - although United did sample Brazilian playmaker Anderson's trickery last summer. 英格兰国家队的共事使里奥已经了解哈格里夫斯的强大实力,而对于新来的年轻人,里奥则不是那么清楚他们的能力--尽管去年夏天曼联已经领教过巴西前腰安德森的厉害。
Already, China has more than tripled the number of air-conditioners in the past five years, to 84 per 100 urban households. 在过去五年内,中国空调的数量增长了三倍,城市家庭拥有量达到84%。
Already, Janey and Stuartie are working on being tri-lingual, and their parents have achieved this. 简妮和斯图尔迪已经在努力学习,要和他们的父母一样精通三种语文。
Already, Russian politicians exploit the “yellow peril” fear. 俄罗斯的政治家们已经开始利用对“黄祸”的恐惧。
Already, Ukraine's 1 percent adult prevalence rate is the highest in all of Europe. 这恐怕已经是事实,乌克兰成人的1%盛行率在全欧洲是最高的。
Already, a fifth of the nation's population speaks something other than English as their primary language ( in some areas, it's two-fifths ). 有1/5(有些地区甚至是2/5)的美国人口以英语以外的语言为主要语言。
Already, changes are being felt in Asia but worse is likely to come, Sawyer and top climate bodies say, and could lead to mass migration and widespread humanitarian crises. 索伊尔和一些研究气候问题的知名团体认为,目前在亚洲已经能察觉到某些变化,但以后的情况可能会更糟。这种变化还可能导致大规模的移民和普遍的人道主义危机。
Already, fast-food chains, cinemas and sports venues, such as Yankee Stadium in New York, are welcoming them. 快餐连锁店、电影院还有体育场馆,比如纽约的扬基棒球场,对免接触卡表示欢迎。
Already, he adds, the scenario is stacked against the partner. 他接着说,这种情形对配偶已然不利。
Already, it is generating outsize demand for energy and raw materials, pushing up the cost around the world. 如今中国对能源和原材料的过度需求已经使全世界的生产成本提高。

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