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According to Glazer opinium about cryptomonad phycocyanin divided type,phycocyanin of Chroomonas caudata Geitler belongs to the cryptomonad PC- Ⅱ type.

According its developing history, Weston fashion drawing was studied by the methods below: ) learning each distinctive states by studying the history of Weston garments; 本论文以西方服装绘画为研究对象,以时间发展为脉络,通过以下研究方法对服装绘画理论进行了基本的论述:)研究西方服装史而反射出西方服装绘画史的各个阶段;
According the popularization by Stern Stewart& Co. EVA方法经过Stern Stewart&Co.
According to "the angle of esophagus touched thoracic aorta" criterion, accuracy is 8%(/0) . 以食管接触胸主动脉的夹角为标准,本组准确度8%(/0)。
According to American scholar R. Black and S.Mouton' "Managerial Crises-cross Mode" and the ideology of "based on human", "Managerial Crises-cross Mode" for sports training is constructed. The pattern and feature of this mode is researched. 根据美国学者布莱克 (R .Blakc)和莫顿 (S .Mouton)提出的“管理方格模式”理论以及“以人为本”的思想 ,构建了运动训练“管理方格模式” ,并对该模式的类型及特点进行了探讨
According to Emmett M. Laursen's theory and formula of velocity distribution in reference [], the formula of sediment concentration distribution in vertical reflecting the influence of bank is obtained. At the same time, the. 利用拉尔森理论和文献[]的流速公式导得了反映侧壁影响的含沙量垂线分布公式,并对该式进行了验证;
According to Glazer opinium about cryptomonad phycocyanin divided type,phycocyanin of Chroomonas caudata Geitler belongs to the cryptomonad PC- Ⅱ type. 按A.N.Glazer等关于隐藻藻蓝蛋白分型的意见,具尾蓝隐藻的藻蓝蛋白属于Ⅱ型PC-。
According to Kennon M. Sheldon and LauraKing, positive psychology is the science that focuses on the development of human potentials and virtues, this definition gives the essential trait of positive psychology. 积极心理学是致力于研究人的发展潜力和美德的科学,Kennon M.Sheldon和Laura King的这个定义道出了积极心理学的本质特点。
According to Lazarus & Folkman's theory,coping is defined as a process in which cognitive appraisal plays a key role in person-environment transaction. 根据Lazarus & Folkman的理论观点,应对是个体与环境相互影响的过程,在这个过程中,个体对于环境的认知评价起着关键性作用。
According to Marx, the communist society will substitute a new thesis "the free development of everyone"for the outworn thesis"the Value of man". 在共产主义社会中,新的命题“每一个人的自由发展”将取代陈腐的命题“人的价值”。
According to Salter-Harris'criterion of trauma type, cases to typeⅠ,9 cases to typeⅡ, cases to type Ⅲ ( case was Tillaux fracture), case to type Ⅳ. 根据Salter Harris分型标准,Ⅰ型例,Ⅱ型9例,Ⅲ型 例(其中Tillaux骨折例),Ⅳ型例。
According to Sanders classification, cases were of type Ⅱ(9Ⅱb, Ⅱc), of type Ⅲ(8 Ⅲac, Ⅲbc). 骨折按Sanders分型,Ⅱ型 足(Ⅱb9足,Ⅱc足),Ⅲ型 足(Ⅲac8足,Ⅲab足)。

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