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3 boat dives daily except on arrival and departure days and unlimited dives in front of resort.

3 Zhou HD, Chen ME, Yuan P. Study of acute cerebrovascular disease complicated by gastrointestinal failure. Lin Chuang Yi Xue. 1997; 17(4): 3738. Chinese. 周华东,陈曼娥,袁萍。急性脑血管病并发胃肠功能衰竭的研究。临床医学。1997;17(4):3738.
3 Zhuhai deaf-mute girls won the 1st prize with their Chinese zither ensemble at the 6th national Handicapped Person Art Festival. 在第六届全国残疾人艺术汇演上,来自我市三名聋哑女孩表演的古筝合奏获得了一等奖。
3 a finnish fisher named fisher failed to fish any fish one friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing -net. 一个名叫费希尔的芬兰渔民在一个星期五的下午未能捕捉到任何鱼,结果他发现的鱼网上有一个大裂口。
3 a situation or event that does not feel real, especially because it is very strange or unpleasant. 一种感觉上不像真实的事情或情况,尤其感觉上有点怪异和不安。
3 baleful: we should give her powerful counterattack. 恶意的:我们应该给与有力的反击。
3 boat dives daily except on arrival and departure days and unlimited dives in front of resort. 每日3支船潜及潜水店码头前无限制岸潜.除了抵达与回程当天不得潜水.
3 boss faces (are ) to lie in a plane within .010 relative to any one boss. 三个凸台端面应在一个平面内,相互间的偏差不大于0.010。
3 bronze powder, tin powder, nickel powder etc. 3青铜粉、锡粉、镍粉等各种客户要求合金粉末。
3 cases of enormous odontogenic keratocyst were treated with the technique of fenestration and decompression other than removal of jaws. 摘要对3例既往需行领骨切除曲巨大角化囊肿采用开窗减压引流结合囊肿刮治的方法进行治疗。
3 cases of lesion before cancer of oesophagus and stomach with little and light clinical symptoms.Induce modern sci-tech methods for micro-lesion.Treat with TCM and get clinical cure with the clinical thought and method of treating by differentiating sign 三例食管及胃的癌前病变,临床症状少而且轻,引入现代科技手段所见的微观病变,按“辨证治‘病’”的临证思维方法,进行中医中药治疗,获得临床治愈。
3 days prior before any heavy (75% of the Max. allowed working load), duel, or long radius lift or a lift in close proximity to power lines a detailed Job safety Analysis (JSA) must be submitted to the construction manager or his nominee. 在进行重物(最大提升负荷的75%)、采用2台起重机同时进行起重提升,或在起重机距离货物较远,或距离动力线较近的地方进行提升时,必须提前3天向现场施工经理或其指定人递交一份详细作业安全分析报告。

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