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It was a great relief to find that my family was all safe.

It was a great event in the history of Guangxi universal elementary education that the Xin-gui Family carried out the special tribal educationduring their governance in Guangxi. 摘要新桂系在治理广西的过程中,实施了“特种部族教育”,这是广西普及国民基础教育史上的一件大事。
It was a great honour to have stood in the shade of that beautifully renewed heritage home, with a gentle breeze wafting in from the Pacific ocean to carry such warm impassioned music on its wing and kiss the face and hearts of all who could hear. 我感到十分荣幸站在这座美丽的、翻新的历史建筑下,太平洋飘来暖风,夹带著激昂的音乐轻吻了每一位在场聆听的人们。
It was a great hurt to his vanity. 这对他的虚荣心是极大的伤害。
It was a great loss to us all. 这对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的损失。
It was a great pleasure to learn that you've been elected president of the Student Union , and I would like to express to my warmest congratulations. 听说你当选学生会主席,我非常高兴并向你表示最热烈的祝贺。
It was a great relief to find that my family was all safe. 看到我的家人安然无恙,我感到极大的欣慰。
It was a great triumph when our team won the race. 我们队赛跑赢了,这是一个很大的成功。
It was a grieving moment beyond any description, even now when I recollect it. 在那一刻真的很难用言语来表达什么,即使是在现在。
It was a ground of my dreams - those I made, selected and carefully seeded. 在这上面曾满是我的梦想-我满怀希望地期待,认真地挑选,小心翼翼种下。
It was a group of pioneers working on their own. 它靠他们自己是一群先锋工作。
It was a handbreadth thick, and its brim was made like the brim of a cup, like a lily blossom; it could hold 3, 000 baths. 代下4:6又制造十个盆、五个放在右边、五个放在左边.献燔祭所用之物、都洗在其内.但海是为祭司沐浴的。

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