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At the same time, the impact on the global economy of China's opening to foreign trade and investment was graphically illustrated by Tuesday's 8.8 per cent drop in the Shanghai Composite Index .

At the same time, the director has already assembled a stellar cast for his 15-million-dollar work. 同时,导演也已经为这部投资1500美元的制作集合了一众明星。
At the same time, the enlightenments that come from women's liberation are also extremely profound. 同时,中共妇女运动带给我们的启示也是极其深刻的。
At the same time, the first step study to optimization of shape of die has been done. 同时,因为冲头是在辊子旋转过程中不断的冲孔,对冲头的形状优化也进行了初步探讨。
At the same time, the function of in-thread copper tubes and effect of heat-exchange capability by the shape of teeth is simply described as a stress, and the development direction of copper tube in future is forecasted in this article. 同时,重点对内螺纹铜管的作用和齿形参数对换热性能的影响进行了简述,并对今后的发展动向进行了预测。
At the same time, the goal of this paper does not lie in offering a final answer to this most perplexing question, but rather in applying the perspective of allegorical aethetics in reevaluating the style of music at the end of the nineteenth century, the 目的不在确切提供这个难解问题的一个最终答案,而是就寓言美学的观点,回顾世纪末音樂风格转向的议题,从法国「新艺术」运动这个整体艺术网络來理解德布西音樂语法的歷史性意涵。
At the same time, the impact on the global economy of China's opening to foreign trade and investment was graphically illustrated by Tuesday's 8.8 per cent drop in the Shanghai Composite Index . 但是,星期二上海综合指数下跌8.8%,却勾画出中国的外贸和投资开放对全球经济的影响。
At the same time, the incomplete and nonstandard contents with wrong and unscientific meaning were visible. 同时,在景区的解说标识系统也存在标识内容不完全、不规范甚至有错误、内涵不科学以及管理不到位等问题。
At the same time, the inflammatory cytokines help to trigger the tissue repair response called fibrosis, which can lead to scarring. 同时,发炎性细胞素会促进称为纤维化的修补反应,造成瘢痕组织。
At the same time, the influences of stabilizer kind and content have been investigated, the optimun formula was determined, its relative density, volume dilatation gel time and viscosity and adhesion property were measured. 确定了最佳配方,合成了几批水溶性聚氨酯化学灌浆材料,结果有很好的重复性。
At the same time, the misfortune and resistance of these young women show us it was the only way to build independent and equal society and awake modern culture consciousness for the women liberation. 同时,这些青年女性的遭遇和抗争,也昭示出树立独立、平等和人的觉醒的现代文化意识才是女性解放的必由之路。
At the same time, the new band of distributors that sprang up to sell ringtones is finding the fat profits much harder to come by. 同时,出现一批新的铃声经销商,它们正逐渐发现,现在要实现高额利润比以前难多了。

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