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Emulate experiments demonstrate good adaptability and edge recognition effeteness of the algorithm.

Emre &Okan - Turk inc, enough said. Their telephone bill is expensive though, since they keep on calling back to Istanbul. 埃姆雷和奥坎-土耳其搭档。从他们打电话回伊斯坦布尔,电话费将非常昂贵。
Emre links well with Pasquale on the left then crosses into the middle. The ball deflects off Colucci, forcing Pagliuca into a near-post save. 在左翼埃姆雷与小帕巧妙配合后传中,球被科卢奇碰了一下改变方向,帕柳卡做出了一次近门柱的扑救。
Emre picks out El Chino in space on the right. The Uruguayan shields the ball then plays to Stankovic in the middle. Dejan's first-time cross is blocked. 埃姆雷传给右翼空档处的雷科巴,乌拉圭人护住球并传给了中央的德扬,德扬第一时间传球,但被破坏。
Emu: a large Australian flightle bird, similar to the ostrich but with three-toed feet and grey or brown plumage. 鸸鹋:一种大型的不能飞的澳大利亚鸟,类似于鸵鸟但是足有三趾,灰色或棕色的翅膀。
Emu: a large Australian flightless bird, similar to the ostrich but with three-toed feet and grey or brown plumage. 鸸鹋:一种大型的不能飞的澳大利亚鸟,类似于鸵鸟但是足有三趾,灰色或棕色的翅膀。
Emulate experiments demonstrate good adaptability and edge recognition effeteness of the algorithm. 仿真实验证明算法有较好的自适应性和良好的边缘识别性能。
Emulate the compassion of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, show concern for sentient beings. 效法观音菩萨的慈悲,憨念大众。
Emulating common GUI elementswill increase usability. 运用通用的图形界面元素将会增加可用性。
Emulation experiments show that compared with a traditional controller both the traceability and robust stability of the new system are improved under variation of parameters, and the negative effect of the variation of parameters is limited. 仿真实验结果表明,在系统参数存在摄动的情况下,与传统控制器相比系统跟随性能、鲁棒稳定性均有所提高,有效抑制了参数摄动对系统性能的影响。
Emulation indicates that the improved rule could avoid the infinite well, and it promotes the applying of the algorithm in the target tracking. 仿真结果表明,改进的模型组建立规则有效的避免了滤波的发散,对其应用于目标跟踪起到了积极的推进作用。
Emulation is the whetstone of wits. 竞赛是智力的磨刀石.

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