Get those fingers around the neck and strangle that baby in the crib!- On preemptive destruction of potential enemies, 2 October 2001.
“把指头绕在脖子上,掐死那个在摇篮里的婴儿!”─谈对潜在敌人的先发性毁灭,2001年10月2日。 |
Get up !my mother whispers again . The sunrise is glorious !Careful not to let the screen door slam , she sets off down to the lake .
起来吧!母亲又小声地说着,日出多美啊!母亲轻轻地带上纱门,不让它发出砰声,然后向湖边走去。 |
Get up, take the Child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel; for those who sought the Child's life are dead.
太2:20起来、带著小孩子和他母亲往以色列地去.因为要害小孩子性命的人已经死了。 |
Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you like.
首先去取得你的事实,然后你才能够随心所欲的扭曲误解它。 |
Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them.
17所以你当束腰,起来将我所吩咐你的一切话告诉他们。不要因他们惊惶,免得我使你在他们面前惊惶。 |
Getting grandmother to loan me the money was as easy as taking candy from a baby.
这个人说:“要我祖母借我那笔钱那简直是太容易了。” |
Getting in by the back dooris the main countermeasure often used by people to obtain convenient or extra benefits.
以走后门的方式为主要对策来实现违规操作获取便利或者额外利益,是存在于民众潜意识中的一个顽疾。 |
Getting into politics is tough. But Martin got his foot in the door when he volunteered to go around town putting up posters for the Republican candidate for Congress.
他说:“要进入政界是很难的。可是,马丁曾经在当地义务地帮助那些共和党竞选国会议员的候选人张贴标语,这样他为能够进入政界迈出了第一步。” |
Getting married on August 6 was to use the focus of the Olympics to divert attention away from my wedding,he said, keeping tight-lipped about honeymoon plans.
“选在今年8月6日结婚,是想借奥运的光,分散各界对我结婚的注意力。”姚明没有透露他们的蜜月计划。 |
Ghost! What, you are a baby after all! You are afraid of ghosts?
鬼?瞧,你毕竟还是个娃娃!你怕鬼吗?” |
Gift of the Wild, ranks 1 and 2, are now available on trainers.
野性赐福等级1,等级2将可以在职业训练师处习得. |