[kjv] And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. |
中文意思: 鬼就央求耶稣说、求你打发我们往猪群里附著猪去。 |
[kjv] And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man.
彼得又不承认、并且起誓说、我不认得那个人。 |
[kjv] And again he sent another servant: and they beat him also, and entreated him shamefully, and sent him away empty.
又打发一个仆人去.他们也打了他、并且凌辱他、叫他空手回去。 |
[kjv] And again he sent unto them another servant; and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled.
再打发一个仆人到他们那里.他们打伤他的头、并且凌辱他。 |
[kjv] And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them.
凡是我的都是你的、你的也是我的.并且我因他们得了荣耀。 |
[kjv] And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of thee.
天下万民见你归在耶和华的名下,就要惧怕你。 |
[kjv] And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.
鬼就央求耶稣说、求你打发我们往猪群里附著猪去。 |
[kjv] And all the plain on this side Jordan eastward, even unto the sea of the plain, under the springs of Pisgah.
还有约旦河东的全亚拉巴,直到亚拉巴海,靠近毗斯迦山根。 |
[kjv] And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD's: it is holy unto the LORD.
地上所有的,无论是地上的种子是树上的果子,十分之一是耶和华的,是归给耶和华为圣的。 |
[kjv] And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day?
便对他们说、你们中间谁有驴或有牛、在安息日掉在井里、不立时拉牠上来呢。 |
[kjv] And as he spake, a certain Pharisee besought him to dine with him: and he went in, and sat down to meat.
说话的时候、有一个法利赛人请耶稣同他吃饭.耶稣就进去坐席。 |
[kjv] And as one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the inn, he espied his money; for, behold, it was in his sack's mouth.
就对弟兄们说,我的银子归还了,看哪,仍在我口袋里。他们就提心吊胆,战战兢兢地彼此说,这是神向我们作什么呢? |