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The new ship is far more advanced than the TIE bomber of old.

The new server has no problems keeping up with the load of the new users, so we will open up for another 2000. Have a nice weekend. 新服务器完全可以满足新增用户的负载,我将再开放2000个注册名额。周末快乐。
The new service will be effective immediately upon installation of the products starting September 10, 2007. 该项服务将于2007年9月10日启动,新产品安装之时立即生效。
The new service, a twist on videophone products which have been around for years, will enable users to transmit and receive their images as they communicate. 这一新的服务项目是从可视电话上演化而来的,它容许用户们在通讯时同时接收到对方传来的图像。
The new service, aimed squarely at BlackBerry, was launched this month by China Unicom Ltd. 中国联通本月已经开通这项直接瞄准”黑莓”的新业务。
The new set of stamps will be issued as the commemorative. 这套新邮票将作为纪念物品发行。
The new ship is far more advanced than the TIE bomber of old. 新机种远远优越于旧的钛轰炸机。
The new shirts in a peculiar fashion made a hit on the free market. 这种式样别致的衬衫在自由市场上很受欢迎。
The new shoes pinched my toes. 这双新鞋紧得夹脚趾。
The new show is certainly pulling in the crowds. 新的表演一定很吸引人.
The new skyscraper is still under construction. 新的摩天大楼还在建造中。
The new snapshot, released by the Labour Department on Friday, also showed that companies boosted their payrolls by a strong 180,000 in March, the most since December. 劳工部星期五发布的报告显示3月份全国新增180,000个工作机会,这是自去年12月以来最高的。

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