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A miniature loudspeaker and motion sensor implanted in the condom's upper cuff provides a range of musical tones during sex.

A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces. 水晶一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上
A mini teamed with leggings is very young, and cool this season. 在这个季节,迷你裙配紧身裤会给人一种青春活力和十足的酷味!
A mini-radio named Leap or Bootyis one of the main products which has various and new style, perfect designing and quality, and popular by the customers all the time. “力波牌”和“波特牌”迷你型收音机,都是本公司电子精品系列主要产品之一,品种多样、款式新颖、设计精巧、质量稳定,历来深受用户青睐。
A mini-sized sand-blasting gun of ejection-and absorption type,used to clean and roughen the metallic surfaces for thermal spraying. 一种小型的射吸式喷砂枪,可用作喷涂喷焊前的表面清洁毛化处理。
A miniature Christmas tree bulb dissipates about one watt, mostly in the form of heat. 一颗装饰圣诞树用的小灯泡通常以热的形式消耗掉约一瓦特的功率。
A miniature loudspeaker and motion sensor implanted in the condom's upper cuff provides a range of musical tones during sex. 这种安全套顶部的卷边里植入了一个微型扬声器,以及运动感应器,因而在做爱过程中能够发出一定音域的乐声。
A miniature swine model of nerve transplantation was used to investigate the effects of preoperative ultraviolet-B (UV-B)-irradiated donor alloantigen portal venous infusion and injection of cultured major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-matched Schwann 本试验通过一个小型的猪的神经移植模型来调查经以下处理后移植物的抗原性:术前紫外线-B照射供体移植物,肝门静脉浸泡神经移植物以及向移植物内注射培育过的主要组织相容性复合物配对雪旺细胞。
A miniature, hand-held sand-blasting device used to remove unwanted images from lithographic plates. Air erasers are also used to remove art without destroying the texture of the medium. 中义一种小型手握的喷砂装置,可去掉平版上不要的印纹部份而不会伤到印版。
A minicar used as a taxicab, especially in England. 微型出租汽车一种用作出租汽车的微型车,尤指在英国
A minimum liability limit of $10,000,000.00 for pharmaceuticals. 为药品投保的最低限额(产品)责任险1000万美元。
A minimum of 3 years experience delivering training programs to entry level and or supervisory level. 至少3年以上对全体员工和管理层培训的经验。

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