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The young woman faced him and, stretching out a hand, caught Soapy's coat-sleeve.

The young tree grows taller and thicker day by day. 这棵小树长得一天比一天高,一天比一天粗了。
The young tree grows taller and thicker year by year. 这棵小树长得一年比一年高了,一年比一年粗。
The young violinist asked calmly, Are you Mr. George Sang? 年轻的小提琴手冷静地问:“您是乔治-桑先生吗?”
The young winger capped a frustrating afternoon with a booking, while fellow Red Phil Bardsley sat the game out after a bout of food poisoning. 这位年轻的边锋经历了失望的下午还得到黄牌,巴德斯利由于脚伤没能出场。
The young woman attends vocational school, where she is being trained as a computer technician. 这个年轻女子进入职业学校,在那里她被训练成计算机工程师。
The young woman faced him and, stretching out a hand, caught Soapy's coat-sleeve. 青年女子面对着索丕,并且伸出一只手,抓住了他外衣的袖子。
The young woman has a childlike figure. 那个年轻妇人有着孩子般的体型。
The young woman has swapped her happy life and extended family in Calcutta for an arranged marriage and a lonely apartment in New York. 这位年轻女士放弃了加尔各答的幸福生活和数代同堂的大家族,选择了一场包办婚姻和纽约的一套寂寥公寓。
The young woman was dressed in red because it was a red-letter day for her. 那位年轻妇女身着红衣,因为对她来说,这是个特别高兴的日子。
The young woman with the ambiguous half smile has been identified as Lisa Gherardini, wife of Florentine merchant Francesco de Giocondo. She had five children. 画中带着神秘微笑的年轻女子被认为是佛罗伦萨商人弗朗西斯科·戴尔·吉奥康多的夫人丽莎·格拉迪尼,她一共生了5个孩子。
The young woman with the ambiguous(6) half smile has been identified as Lisa Gherardini, wife of Florentine merchant Francesco de Giocondo. She had five children. 这位半戴神秘微笑的年轻女子已被确定为佛罗伦萨商人弗朗西斯科·戴尔·吉奥亢多的妻子丽莎·格拉迪尼。她共有五个孩子。

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