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Abstract: The principle of determining parameters of Children High Calcium Milk Powder (CHCMP) by near infrared spectra method is studied.

Abstract: The present paper experiments with and models the machinability of structural ceramics by EDM,providing a new method of analysing the machinability of stuctural ceramics by EDM.on certain conditions. 文摘:对常用结构陶瓷材料的电火花可加工性进行了实验研究和模型化分析,为预测特定条件下结构陶瓷材料的电火花可加工性提供了新的分析方法。
Abstract: The preventing and remedying desertification puts into practice prevention as main,principle of combining ecology protection with Prevensing and remedying,principle of preventing and remedy and economy development and utilization coodinated and 文摘:沙漠化防治实行预防为主,生态保护与防治结合原则,防治与经济开发利用相协调促进原则;综合防治与分类控制相结合;公众参与和整治者受益结合;对不同责任主体实行不同责任承担原则,由人为不当活动造成的沙漠化治理责任,实行行为者负担原则;对自然作用造成的沙漠化治理实行政府负担为主,受益者合理负担原则;确立统一规划制度;沙漠化状况调查评估与监测预警制度,休耕限耕和扶贫结合制度,禁限制度,优先区域与紧急行动区域制度。
Abstract: The primary analysis of small watershed water and soil loss comprehensive harness, developing ecological economy by using analytic hierarchy fuzzy comprehensive evaluation process was conducted. 文摘:应用层次分析模糊综合评价法对黑龙江省海沦市光荣小流域水土流失综合治理发展生态经济的效果进行了分析评价。
Abstract: The principal development of the study on chemical conversion of nitrogroup derivatives for the toluene was summarized at first based on this review,Described herewith are reaction mechanisms and effects substituents and concluded four methods a 文摘:在这篇文章中,首先综述了甲苯硝基衍生物研究的进展,根据这一评论详细地说明了化学转化机理和取代基效应,并对硝基甲苯的选择性氧化进行了简单评述。
Abstract: The principle of cloth bag dust remover using vacuum and back blowing.Model FFL6600I.and application on 12.5 MVA SiFe electric stove are briefly described.The effect and benefit of dust removing are summarized and analyzed.The result is obvious 文摘:简要介绍了FFL6600I型负压反吹风布袋除尘器的工作原理和在12.5MVA硅铁电炉上的应用等情况,并对其除尘效果和效益进行了分析、总结。
Abstract: The principle of determining parameters of Children High Calcium Milk Powder (CHCMP) by near infrared spectra method is studied. 资料简介:摘要从化学计量学角度研究了近红外光谱技术测定儿童高钙奶粉理化指标的原理。
Abstract: The principle of optical fiber photometer is analyzed. The problems of light modulation, construction of optical fiber probe, design of photoelectric transform circuit and wavelength switching mechanism are discussed. 文摘:本文就光纤光度仪的原理和设计中遇到的诸如光纤及光调制,光纤探头结构,光电转换电路设计,波长切换机构等问题进行了分析与讨论。本中提出的方法具有很强的实用性。
Abstract: The principle of reproducing the standard with interference measuring method is presented,the test metrology result has been analyzed and the new calibration system is introduced in this paper. 文摘:说明使用干涉测量方法复制齿线标准的原理。分析它的实验计量结果;介绍新的检定系统。
Abstract: The principle, typical characteristics and application of the UC3637 are introduced .The practical circuit used in welding for invert wire feeding is proposed in the paper. 文摘:介绍了电机控制专用集成电路UC3637的工作原理,特点及应用。同时给出了焊接中作为可逆送丝的具体电路。
Abstract: The principle,application scopes,model establishment and model correction of the soft measurement as well as its influence upon detection and control systems are discussed. 文摘:讨论了软测量的原理、应用场合、模型建立和模型校正,以及它对检测和控制系统的影响。
Abstract: The problem is given for the normal circuit of the double exci ter and the trubogenerator for heat giving.The circuit of the double exciter is discusse d and the new circuit of double exciters is given which can be used on the trubo genator for 文摘:提出相位复式励磁装置与供热为主的汽轮发电机常规接线配装存在的问题,从研究改进“相复励”接线方式入手,以满足供热式汽轮发电机励磁的需要,推荐使用改进的新型接线方式.

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