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Wen went on to say the perpetrator had shown no remorse but had tried to justify his behavior by arguing he was seduced by the girl.

Wen lived happily with the consideration of Zhe. 纹在哲的悉心照顾下快乐地成长着.
Wen opened the annual session of China's figurehead parliament on Sunday with promises of new social spending for the country's rural poor, and said the economy is expected to slow but should still grow by 8 percent. 周日,温在这个有名无实的中国议会年度会议上承诺,社会将增加对农村贫困人口的支出,经济增长将放缓但仍将保持8%的增长率。
Wen said a key government priority will be increasing domestic consumption, the AP reported. Additionally, the Chinese budget calls for a sharp increase in spending on science. AP报道,温表示政府首要工作是增加内需,另外,用于科研的财政预算将大幅增加。
Wen said that China intended to act in a re o ible ma erand work toward reducing emi io , even though it did not have to meet mandatory targets for reduction under the Kyoto Protocol to fight global warming. 温家宝说虽然根据全球气候变暖《京都议定书》没有规定其必须达到的减少目标但中国仍将“负责任的”努力工作以减少气体排放。
Wen said that China will remain in the primary state of socialism for a long time. 温家宝在中国官方媒体发表一篇讲话中说,中国在相当长的时间内仍将处于社会主义初期阶段。
Wen went on to say the perpetrator had shown no remorse but had tried to justify his behavior by arguing he was seduced by the girl. 温耀源接著表示这名犯案者毫无悔意可言,甚至试图为他的行为辩解,说他是被女孩子所诱惑。
Wen – shiow kao,and s – c cher1,’,The Effect of Effect of Load Models on Power System stabilizers and static Var compensators for the Taiwan Power system” IEEE Catalogue No:98EX137. 高文秀,陈世昌,陈永田,利用特徵值分析与时间领域模拟结果探讨负载模型台电系统之动态特性,第18届电力工程研讨会,1997.
Wen, China's top economic official, told officials to resolutely controlan investment boom that drove economic growth in the second quarter to 11.3 percent, its highest rate in a decade, the Communist Party newspaper People's Daily and the official Xinhua 共产党的报刊《人民日报》、官方新华社及其它新闻媒体报道,中国最高经济长官温家宝告诉官员们要“坚决控制”投资热潮,这轮热潮使第二季度经济增长率达11.3%,为十年来最高。
Wen, Y. Y., &Fang, C. L. (2004). The exercise benefits for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis〔abstract〕. The 8th ASFAA Congress, Poster Presentation, Taiwan, Taipei, Sep. 3-7, p. 64. 温怡英、蔡昆霖、陈雅慧、方进隆(2004)。强力体适能瑜珈对停经后妇女功能性体适能与骨质密度的影响。2004国际健康体能与有氧运动研讨大会,海报发表,台湾台北,2004年7月29日~8月1日。
Wen, accompanied by State Councilor Chen Zhili, attended a colloquium on Sunday with hundreds of students and faculties of the university. 周日,温总理在国务委员陈至立地陪同下与几百名北京师范大学的老师和同学们进行座谈。
Wen, point man on economic policy and third ranked in the Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee that rules China's 1.3 billion people, promised in March there would be no surprises in currency policy and continued in that vein on Tuesday. 北京(路透社)——周二,中国总理温家宝说中国将保证经济持续增长、货币改革和民主政治改革的进程,但同时他也强调改革是逐步的,不能激进。

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