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Actually the information feedback mechanism has it to say is information processing also was inferior to said is the information receive and the gain, also is the request forms the information processing the closed-loop system.

Actually the actor and actress reacted actively to the activity. 实际上男演员和女演员对这个活动作出了积极的反应。
Actually the canter begins with a hind leg and this in turn initiates the takeoff of the opposite foreleg. (这个样子看起来仿佛慢跑是从它左侧的前腿开始,实际上慢跑是以后腿开始起跳,转而是后腿带动另一侧前腿的起跳。
Actually the code is quite self explanatory. 事实上,这些代码都极具自我描述性。
Actually the design is anything but novel. 其实,这种设计模式毫无新意可言。
Actually the finished carpet is the representation of the design. 实际织成的丝毯是原图样的再现。
Actually the information feedback mechanism has it to say is information processing also was inferior to said is the information receive and the gain, also is the request forms the information processing the closed-loop system. 其实信息的反馈机制有其说是信息的处理还不如说是信息接收和获取,也就是要求形成信息处理的闭环系统。
Actually the love is each required course, only because each person experiences the difference, repairs the number of times and the time have been also dissimilar, but the first love is the first curriculum which justs like you to repair! 其实恋爱是每个的必修课,只因为每个人经历的不同,所修的次数和时间也就不一样了,而初恋就是犹如你所修的第一门课程!
Actually the outsourcing of U.S. manufacture (principally)to China, has already led to massive unemployment in America. 事实上,美国制造业主要是向中国外购,这已经导致了美国大量的失业群体。
Actually the past (last) fifty years may not have been the golden age of invention. 过去50年其实并不是发明创新的黄金时期。
Actually there are many more story in my mind but I could not rearrange them into words,sorry. 实际上,有更多故事在我脑中而我不能重新整理他们入词,抱歉。
Actually they are not chinese. They are from chinese communist party. They did not teach traditional chinese culture. They are teaching how to destory it. 实际上,他们不是什么中华文化,只不过是中共的党文化渗透而已,挂羊头卖狗肉。教儒教的东西吗?不是,只是批判和歪曲儒教而已。六经之首的易经就被中共称为迷信。

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