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Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining room, there was a knock on the front door.

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, rejected in regard to the faith. 提后3:8从前雅尼和佯庇怎样敌挡摩西、这等人也怎样敌挡真道.他们的心地坏了、在真道上是可废弃的。
Just as Jesus rose from the dead, they also rise from the waters of baptism to set out on a new life(Romans 6:4). 就像耶稣从死亡中复活一样,他们也从洗礼的水中升起“新生的样式”(罗马书6:4)。
Just as Kain's wife was most likely his sister, so Aphrodite was the sister of Hephaistos. 正如该隐的妻子大多为其姐妹一样,阿芙洛狄特也是赫菲斯托斯的姐妹。
Just as Luther criticised indulgences, critics of offsetting argue that the ability to buy retrospective forgiveness for sins of emission is no substitute for not sinning in the first place. 正如路德对纵欲的批评一样,环保主义者指出,允许可以通过金钱就买到对自己排放之过的宽恕,并不代表没有罪的产生。
Just as McDonald's wants to run restaurants as well as franchising them, Time Warner's executives like controlling a cable company as well as networks and a film studio. 正如麦当劳希望在经营餐厅的同时,还出让特许经营权,时代华纳的高管们也想在拥有有线电视公司外,还掌控网络和电影制片厂。
Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining room, there was a knock on the front door. 理查兹夫人刚刚走进餐厅,前门就传来敲门声。
Just as Ruud came good in the title run-in, so Scholesy weighed in with six goals in six games - including a fabulous hat-trick away at Newcastle. 就像范尼的优异表现,斯科尔斯在6场比赛中打进了6个球——包括了在纽卡身上完成的帽子戏法。
Just as Shostakovich captured the tragic side of Soviet culture, so Mr Khrennikov unswervingly expressed its optimism and Social-Realist clarity. 就在肖斯塔科维奇捕抓到苏维埃文化界悲剧的一面时,赫伦尼可夫却坚定地表达了他的乐观主义和社会现实主义明确性。
Just as Star Wars fans attend midnight premieres (apparently the designated hour of the superfan), Potter fans lines blocks for each new book at the witching hour. 就像星战迷们出席午夜首映(显然是狂热粉丝相聚的指定时间),波特迷们一定会于午夜时分在书店前排起长龙等待每一部新书的发行。
Just as Toyota and Samsung eventually obliged western multinationals to rethink how to make cars and consumer electronics, so today's young thrusters threaten the veterans wherever they are complacent. 正如丰田和三星最终迫使西方跨国公司重新思考怎么去生产汽车和电子消费产品,今天的初生牛犊在老虎们自以为得意的地方处处威胁着它们。
Just as a carbon molecule which takes the form of graphite under common conditions, but would turn into a cutting-edge diamond under high pressure. 正如同样是碳分子,一般情况下是石墨,在高压下则可以成为金刚石。

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