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Our motivation acquires the requisite maturity by the cultivation of right view, the first factor of the Noble Eightfold Path, which as explained by the Buddha includes an understanding of the principles of kamma and rebirth as fundamental to the structur

Our most recent addition to the Medieval 2 engine is the new grass system. 我们在中世纪2的引擎中最新添加的是一个新的草地系统。
Our most recent project of Reconstruction Solidarity. Mei-Non House will soon be built by the Mei-Non residents themselves. 逢甲大学同学制作模型,即将交予美浓居民协力建造的美浓屋。
Our mother was always very reasonable. 我们的母亲总是非常通情达理。
Our motherland flows with natural resources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。
Our mothers feed us, clothe us, and comfort us when we are hurt. 母亲哺育我们、为我们添衣并且在我们受到伤害时安慰我们。
Our motivation acquires the requisite maturity by the cultivation of right view, the first factor of the Noble Eightfold Path, which as explained by the Buddha includes an understanding of the principles of kamma and rebirth as fundamental to the structur 我们的动机藉由正见的培养获得必要的成熟,正见居佛说八正道之首,这其中便包括,必须了解业与轮回原理在生存结构中的根本作用。
Our motto: If it's in the neighborhood and it makes noise .. we hope to put it on the air. 我们的箴言:如果它在邻居,它使噪音成为..,我们希望把它放在广播中。
Our motto: We care but we don't cure. 我们的座右铭是:我们关心,但并不提供解决方案。
Our move (ie to another house) unsettled the children. 我们搬家弄得孩子们不得安宁.
Our movies and television shows often do not portray the values of the real America I know. 我们的电影,还有电视节目,往往并没有全面反映我所知道的美国。
Our music teacher is a young lady. 我们的音乐老师是位年轻的女士。

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