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It may contain secretory products, e.g. a vesicle budded off from the Golgi apparatus, or particles, e.g. endocytotic vesicle.

It may bring new depiction modes and aesthetic modalities to our future generations, enabling us to discuss the come-into-being new national spirit of China from all aspects and methods. 让我们从各个角度,以各种方式,来探讨正在形成中的新的中国的国家精神。
It may cause illness that could be passed on to our children and grandchildren. 它还可能引起某种疾病,而这种疾病又可遗传给我们的子孙后代。
It may cause us some brain or listening problems. 这些辐射可能会给我们的大脑和听力造成影响。
It may come as a bit of a shock, but many of the same approaches used to peddle soap apply to reception report writing. 语不惊人死不休,但是许多人却用平凡无奇的方式来写收听报告.
It may come as a surprise, but all the top English clubs have homegrown players. Well, almost all of them. 也许看起来很奇怪,但现在所有的英格兰顶级俱乐部都有他们自己培养起来的球员。或者说几乎所有的俱乐部。
It may contain secretory products, e.g. a vesicle budded off from the Golgi apparatus, or particles, e.g. endocytotic vesicle. 例如:高尔基体出芽生成的小泡或颗粒;内质网小泡。
It may contain stories, comments, pictures and links to other websites. 可能含有故事评论照片与其他网站的连接。
It may determine whether America's economy falls into recession. 这将决定美国的经济是否会限于衰退之中。
It may develop by thickening of the secondary walls of parenchyma cells, or it may arise directly from meristematic cells. 它们可能由薄壁组织的细胞壁次生加厚而成,也可能直接来自于分生组织细胞。
It may discover the ways to controlling the information cost to look for the feature of the factor capital by entering the cost theory system. 进入成本理论系统寻找要素资本的特征和性质,可以发现信息成本的控制途径和方法。
It may disrupt almost any part of the body: skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels or brain. 光是在美国,就约有140万人为狼疮所苦,尤其是18~65岁间的非裔妇女,每250人中就有一人受此病所苦。

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