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Eighteen patients with recurrent episodes of life-threatening anaphylaxis of unknown cause were studied.

Eighteen Liverpool stewards will be in the away section to supervise visiting supporters, working alongside United's security staff inside and outside the stadium, while away fans will be held back after the final whistle while home fans leave the stadium 18位利物浦的工作人员将会在客场看台协助曼联的安全人员维持场内外球迷的秩序;另外,在比赛结束后利物浦的球迷将等到曼联球迷来开后才能离开。
Eighteen is a dreamlike age as beautiful as flowers,which awaits you to treat and treasure discreetly,Create a regretles youth and add a piece of charming spring to our motherland with it. 18岁,花一般的年龄,梦一般的岁月,愿你好好把握,好好珍惜,给自己创造一个无悔的青春,给祖国添一份迷人的春色。
Eighteen is a dreamlike age as beautiful as flowers,which awaits you to treat and treasure discreetly.Create a regretless youth and add a piece of charming spring to our motherland with it. 18岁,花一般的年龄,梦一般的岁月,愿你好好把握,好好珍惜,给自己创造一个无悔的青春,给祖国添一份米人的春色。
Eighteen months later, the rate edged up to £3.70. 18个月后,这一标准逐渐升至3.70英镑。
Eighteen passengers on board a double-decker bus and a public light bus were injured after a head-on collision in Tai Po. 一部双层巴士及一部小巴在大埔相撞,车上乘客十八人受伤。
Eighteen patients with recurrent episodes of life-threatening anaphylaxis of unknown cause were studied. 作者研究了18例反复发作的过敏反应,其原因不明并能危及生命。
Eighteen per cent of boys and 13% of girls aged 5 to 16 in Great Britain, living in households with a gross weekly income of under £100, have a mental disorder. 英国5岁至16岁的少年儿童中,在每周总收入低于100英镑的家庭中,8%的男孩和13%的女孩患有心理疾病。
Eighteen percent of the high participationgroup met guidelines for consuming servings of deep-yellow or green vegetables, compared with just 2 percent of the very low involvementgroup. 经常烹饪的人群中的18%符合进食多份深黄色或绿色蔬菜的指导标准,而在很不经常烹饪的人群中符合的只有2%。
Eighteen thousand Benjamites fell, all of them valiant fighters. 44便雅悯人死了的有一万八千,都是勇士。
Eighteen years ago, our research team developed the first kind of printing plate developing and fixing in China and thoroughly solve the problem of importing chemical set from other countries ,then filled the gap on this product in China. 1983年,我们的研究人员研制出中国第一种印刷制版显影、定影套药,彻底打破了当时制版显影、定影套药依靠进口的局面,填补了国内该类产品的空白。
Eighteen-month-old Kayla, who was snugly belted into her car seat, emerged with only a scratch. 18个月大的凯拉由于紧紧绑在座位上,仅有一处擦伤。

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