Military facility for jet fuel transfer from large underground storage tank to aircraft re-fueling hydrant pit.
军用航油运输设施:从地下储油罐到给飞行器加油的现场。 |
Military history is really outside my domain.
我对军队史实在一窍不通。 |
Military intervention is highly undesirable.
军事干涉极不相宜. |
Military jurisdiction is of two kinds: first, that which is conferred by that branch of a country's municipal law which regulates its military establishment; second, that which is derived from international law, including the law of war.
军事管辖权有两种型态,首先是国内法规中有关军事当局条款所授权,其次是衍生自包括战时国际法的国际法。 |
Military materiel, such as weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and equipment.
军械军事物质,包括武器、弹药、战车及装备 |
Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty.
军事占领不移转主权。 |
Military occupation is conducted under military government,and as the occupying poweras spoken of in the laws of war, the United States delegated the military occupation of Taiwan to the Chinese Nationalists.
军事占领是在「军事政府」之下所进行的,所以,美国是被依据战争法所认定的「主要占领权国」的身份,这点在旧金山和平条约被证实,美国随即委托了蒋介石中华民国军队来处理对台湾的占领事宜。 |
Military planners have also expressed concern that attempts would be made to kidnap him.
军事策划人员同时也表示出了对绑架的忧虑。 |
Military service offered a chance to learn a trade or profession and, in some cases, to see the world.
军旅生涯可以提供学习手艺或职业技能的机会,有时候还可以增长见识。 |
Military sources in Iraq said the attack on the patrol of 7 US soldiers and an Iraqi military interpreter occurred near Mahmoudiya, in a Sunni insurgent stronghold about 20 miles south of Baghdad.
伊拉克的军方消息称,7名巡逻士兵及1名伊拉克军方翻译遇袭,袭击发生在逊尼派反叛武装控制据点摩玛迪亚附近,距巴格达以南约20英里。 |
Military talks between North and South Korea have ended without agreement on the demarcation of sea borders.
南北韩军事会谈今天结束,双方没有就海域划分达成协议。 |