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A hard landing for a U.S. army helicopter in Iraq, injuring both crew members. The military says it appears the chopper had a mechanical problem.

A happy-go-lucky sportsgal, she transfers from her school in the US to Taiwan, just to meet Zhuo Yiquan, her sports idol. 一个天生开朗的运动迷﹐她从美国转学到了台湾就只是为了看见左以泉﹐她的跳高偶像。
A hard cheese similar to Cheddar and usually orange. 莱斯特干酪类似于切达干酪的一种干奶酪,通常为黄色
A hard detergent. 抗腐蚀清洁剂
A hard disk has an MBR (Master Boot Record), this is because a hard disk can have multiple partitions and any one of them can be bootable. 硬盘有一个MBR(主引导记录),这是因为一个硬盘可以有多个分区,并且其中的任何一个分区都可以是可启动的。
A hard disk is different. 硬盘则不同。
A hard landing for a U.S. army helicopter in Iraq, injuring both crew members. The military says it appears the chopper had a mechanical problem. 一架美军直升机在伊拉克迫降,机上人员都受伤。军方称可能是直升机的机械问题。
A hard pellet of snow and ice. 雹块一种坚硬的冰雪团
A hard protuberance,such as an antler or a projection on the head of a giraffe or rhinoceros,that is similar to or suggestive of a horn. 长颈鹿得要在早上六点起来,如果它想早饭在九点钟之前到达胃里的话。
A hard rubber disk used in ice hockey as the playing and scoring medium. 冰球冰球比赛中用于击打和得分的硬橡皮盘状物
A hard, rough lump growing on the skin, caused by infection with certain viruses and occurring typically on the hands or feet. 疣,肉赘长于皮肤上的粗糙的硬块,由一定的病毒感染引起,一般出现于手足部
A hard-core secessionist; a hard-core golfer. 极其忠诚的分裂主义者;高尔夫球迷

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