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Wenzhou is rich in water resource.

Wenzhou huachang group razor factory , abutting wuqiao industrial zone, enjoying convenient traffic and beautiful environment. 温州市华昌集团剃须刀厂坐落在温州市区吴桥工业园区,交通便捷,环境优美。
Wenzhou is a coastal city with a long history. 旁白:温州是一座历史悠久的沿海城市。
Wenzhou is a promising city. 温州是充满希望的城市。
Wenzhou is composed of three districts, namely, Luchen, Ouhai, and Longwan. 温州市区有三区构成,分别是鹿城、瓯海和龙湾。
Wenzhou is now establishing National Civilized City. 温州目前正在创建全国文明城市。
Wenzhou is rich in water resource. 温州水资源丰富。
Wenzhou shi Lucheng anduo hydraulic machine factory is one of inain factories which supply the mathching hydraulic pressure acc-essories for mechanical and electronic ministry, and has made grea-t contribution for hydraulic pressure industry in the past 1 温州市鹿城安多液压机电厂是机电部液压配套生产主要厂家之一,十几年来为液压行业做出较大的贡献,本厂拥有雄厚的技术力量与较强的经济实力和先进科学的管理手段,把技术生产、销售用电脑管理系统有机的串联在一起,使用户得到高质量的产品。
Werder Bremen pay Stamford Bridge a visit on Tuesday night in the Champions League. 切尔西将在周二晚上在斯坦福桥对战不莱梅。
Werder Bremen will be very difficult — or very entertaining. 不来梅将会很难对付——或者说很难招架。
Werder Bremen's win at home to Levski Sofia left Barcelona level with the Germans — five points behind Chelsea — and under pressure. 云达不来梅在主场击败索菲亚列夫斯基,在积分榜上追平巴萨,给卫冕冠军以很大压力。
Werder Bremen, meanwhile, had no match for the first team this weekend following international football. The German administration had Cup matches not requiring first team players instead. 而不来梅在国家队的比赛后的这周末,他们的主力没有比赛,可以休息。德国人在杯赛中不需要更换主力球员,(让他们打疯了算。)

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