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15 Raw sludge, no matter from primary or secondary settling, will not drain well on sand beds and will usually have an obnoxious odour.

15 July Official call by the governor inviting clubs to submit suggestions for the office of governor for consideration by the nominating committee and announcing 15 September as the deadline for receipt of such suggestions by the nominating committee cha 7月15日总监正式邀请扶轮社向总监办事处提出推荐人选让提名委员会来考虑,并宣布这些推荐人选都必须在9月15日以前送交至提名委员会主委处。
15 Many slaves traveled under cover of night, their faces sometimes caked with white powder. 许多黑奴在夜色掩护下赶路,有时脸上涂着厚厚的白粉。
15 More Causes of War and Peace: Culture, Gender, Language, Democracy, Social equality &social justice, Minority rights &human rights, Prosperity, Economic interdependence, Revolution, Capitalism, Imperial decline and collapse, Cultural learning, Religion 9另外15个关于战争与和平的导因:文化、性别、语言、民主、社会平等及公义、少数权利及人权、经济繁荣、经济互赖、革命、资本主义、帝国式微与瓦解、文化学习、宗教信仰、情感因素(报复、轻视、光荣)、国际体系的两极化;内战的成因。
15 Pan ZM, Ye DF, Xie X, et al. 潘子民,叶大风,谢幸,等。
15 Precalcining kiln system with 5-stage cyclone pre-heater and calciner is adopted for productive process in this project. 本工程采用带五级旋风预热预分解的新型干法回转窑生产工艺。
15 Raw sludge, no matter from primary or secondary settling, will not drain well on sand beds and will usually have an obnoxious odour. 生的(未经处理的)泥浆,无论是来源于初次或者二次的沉淀,都不会很好的渗漏在沙床上而且会散发难闻的气味。
15 Richard Mabey How can we benefit from imitating nature's engineers? 我们如何从模仿大自然工程师中受益?
15 Rome Convention: The Rome Convention (as defined in the Contracts (Applicable Law) Act 1990) has the force of law in the United Kingdom by virtue of such Act. 罗马公约:罗马公约(见1990年合同(准据)法中的定义)因该法的规定在英国具有法律的效力。
15 So Hagar gave birth to Abram's son, whom Abram named Ishmael. 15后来夏甲给亚伯兰生了一个儿子.亚伯兰给他起名叫以实玛利.
15 The guides, as always, lie among the writers and artists. 领路人依旧在作家和艺术家之中。
15 The preferred method of access and egress to a work platform is from a ladder which shall be fitted with an access gate panel. 进出工作平台的优选方法是使用一架梯子,梯子上要配备一个进入板门。

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