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Moreover, EPH has a completely specialized staff education &training system.

Moreover, China will not enforce provisions of contracts imposing such requirements. 此外,中国将不执行设置此类要求的合同条款。
Moreover, China's latest promise, plus the offer from Egypt toprovide another 750 troops, has undercut Mr Bashir's assertion that anypeacekeeping force would be a bridgehead for a hostile Western invasion. 值得一提的是,中国的就近承诺加之埃及对中国提出的添增750人军队的要求削弱了巴歇尔先生的主张-任何维和部队都将称为西方恶势力侵略行动的立足点。
Moreover, China's mounting energy needs mean that it has a huge incentive to promote energy sources other than oil. 此外,中国的能源需求不断上升,意味着它具有推广非石油能源的巨大动机。
Moreover, Chinese A-shares now have an average price-earnings (p/e) ratio of around 45. 此外,现在中国A股的市盈率在45倍左右。
Moreover, Dr DeBruine found that women's preferences as measured by the test agreed closely with the perceived degree of masculinity of the real-life partners of those who were in stable relationships. 然而,德布鲁尼博士发现试验中展示的女性的喜好同人们先前想象的生活中关系稳定的夫妻中对阳刚之气的喜好非常一致。
Moreover, EPH has a completely specialized staff education &training system. 具有专业齐全,层次完备的员工教育培训体系。
Moreover, Evian wanted to remain the trend-setter of the category, by proposing a real collector's item. 另外,依云仍然希望保留自己作为整个矿水品类潮流制定者的身份,特别是借助新包装设计的推出,使其成为真正意义上的收藏品。
Moreover, Fibonacci design method was used for structural optimum design with discrete variables. 利用斐波那契数列的规律,提出了离散变量结构优化设计的斐波那契算法。
Moreover, Ganesha is associated with the first chakra (energy wheel), which represents the instinct of conservation and survival, of procreation and material well-being. 此外,甘尼萨也与第一脉轮(能量轮)联结在一起,代表守恒和生存的本能,繁殖和物质安康。
Moreover, H&Y attorneys have authored or co-authored many professional books published by distinguished international and domestic publishing houses. 浩英律师还独著或合著了许多专业书籍,并由国内外著名出版社出版。
Moreover, HAT-P-1 is the second exoplanet that is much bigger and less dense than theory predicts. 此外,HAT-P-1是第二颗在体积上大于而在密度上小于理论预测值的行星。

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