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These are the families of Issachar according to those that were numbered of them, threescore and four thousand and three hundred.

These are the days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but more broken homes. 这个时代有双收入,但也有了更高的离婚率;有更华丽的房屋,却有更多破碎的家庭。
These are the departmental rules for Chi Nan University based on the Article 27 of the Chi Nan University Constitution. 第一条本要点依据「国立暨南国际大学组织规程」第二十七条订定之。
These are the divisions of the porters among the sons of Kore, and among the sons of Merari. 19以上是可拉子孙和米拉利子孙守门的班次。
These are the dumplings. Please put a little vinegar on the plate and dip them into before eating. 这是您要的水饺。在吃之前,给盘子里放点醋,蘸着吃。
These are the empty gouges -- giving love is taking a chance. 尽管这些豁口很疼,我还是让它们敞开着,因为它们能使我想起我付出的爱。
These are the families of Issachar according to those that were numbered of them, threescore and four thousand and three hundred. 25这就是以萨迦的各族,照他们中间被数的,共有六万四千三百名。
These are the families of Judah according to those that were numbered of them, threescore and sixteen thousand and five hundred. 22这就是犹大的各族,照他们中间被数的,共有七万六千五百名。
These are the families of the Zebulunites according to those that were numbered of them, threescore thousand and five hundred. 27这就是西布伦的各族,照他们中间被数的,共有六万零五百名。
These are the first-chosen apparel sources for fashion, underclothes, bras, shoes and decorating materials. 是时装、内衣裤、泳装、文胸、鞋类、装饰材料的首选面料。
These are the followers of the ancient rites and rituals of the Knights Templar whose writings and disciplines foresaw the demonic invasion centuries ago. 他们是圣堂骑士古老仪俗的追随者,而几个世纪以前,圣堂骑士的著述和纪律预示着恶魔将会入侵。
These are the four things that why he is a good father. 这四点就是为什么我的父亲是一个好父亲。

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