While on theother hand, the Soviet Union? s diplomatic policy to Xin Jiang grew from tradecontacts to grabble political privileges until to get overall control over its politics,economy and military. |
中文意思: 而苏联对新疆的政策则由最初的经济往来发展到攫取政治特权,进而演变为全面的政治、经济、军事控制。 |
While fully emphasizing profit, merchant novels also denounced the gainful and avaricious behaviors and pointed out the right way to make profits is the one with both profit and loyalty cherished.
商贾小说在充分重视利的情况下,对唯利是图、见利忘义的行为也给予了谴责,并指出正确的求利方式应该是“义利兼顾”。 |
While in ABS east specimen,the average available extent of donor jejunum was( 0.8±7. ) ( .0~ 7. cm).
ABS有效分布的动脉弓长度为( 0.8±7. )( .0~ 7. )cm。 |
While in REP group,the HbA contents could not be quanti fied exactly. Among the four CCl groups,the contents of HbA were as follows:(8.±.)%,(.±0.)%,( .±0.)%,( . ±0.)%.
四组不同质量浓度Hb液Hb- A体积分数分别为(8. ± .)%、( .±0. )%、( .±0 .)%、( . ±0 .)%。 |
While in lamina propria, there were many B cells and the CD + T cells were much more than CD 8+ T cells.
而固有层则有较多B细胞 ,且T细胞也是以CD + T细胞为主 ,CD8+ T细胞很少。 |
While in marsh, shallow ponds and narrow grassy creeks,their host is Lymnaea swinhoei. The adult lasts months in laboratory in spring,and 0 or 0 days in summer. An egg batch generally consists of 0 to 0 eggs.
成虫寿命在春季为个月,夏季为0-0天,一卵块通常含0- 0个卵; |
While on theother hand, the Soviet Union? s diplomatic policy to Xin Jiang grew from tradecontacts to grabble political privileges until to get overall control over its politics,economy and military.
而苏联对新疆的政策则由最初的经济往来发展到攫取政治特权,进而演变为全面的政治、经济、军事控制。 |
While she praises the traditional virtues of the traditional women, she puts a higher value upon the modern virtues of the modern women.
她赞美传统妇女的传统美德,但更珍视现代妇女的现代美德。 |
While the Ootheca was developing the nymph, it will take ~0 minutes.
蜚蠊卵鞘呈肾形,从鞘裂至孵出若虫约需~0分钟。 |
While the color parameters of DH family has no distinct difference in Munsell color system. The color parameter L~*, a~* and b~* of DH-, DH-, DH- and DH - take on significant difference along the axial orientation.
DH家系木材材色在孟塞尔色空间,几个色度学参数都不显著:DH-、DH-、DH-、DH -四株林木木材材色参数L~*、a~*、b~*沿树高方向都不显著; |
While the latter is the system which three or more judges preside the bench.
所谓独任制是指审判员一人组成法庭,单独对案件依法进行审理和裁判的制度。 |
While the selectivity of myrtenal and myrtenol is .% and .% by RB,that is 7.9% and 9.9%by MB and is less than 0% with a conversion of no more than 0% respectively by fluorescein, eosin B, rosolic acid, benzophenone, -methyl-diphenylketone.
而亚甲基蓝敏化时,两种主要氧化产物的选择性分别为7.9%、9.9%。 荧光素、曙红B、玫瑰红酸、二苯甲酮、-甲-二苯甲酮作敏化剂时,β-蒎烯的转化率均低于0%,各种氧化产物的选择性均在0%以下。 |