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CHARLEY He won't starve. None a them starve. Forget about him.

CHARLES : You were eating all that good Parisian food. 查尔斯:你肯定吃遍了巴黎所有的美食。
CHARLEY (Rising) It was my ace, for God's sake! 查利(站起来):莫名其妙,那是我的老A!
CHARLEY (Sitting down at the kitchen table opposite WILLY) couldn't sleep good. I had heartburn. 查利(在威利对面桌旁坐下):睡不好。胃酸烧心。
CHARLEY Come on, let's shoot. Tire you out a little. 查利:来,咱们赌一盘吧。困劲儿就来了。
CHARLEY Go on, you'd froze to death up there. 查利:算了吧,到那儿不把你冻死才怪。
CHARLEY He won't starve. None a them starve. Forget about him. 查利:他饿不死,没一个饿死的。别把他放在心上了。
CHARLEY How could I put up a ceiling? 查利:我怎么会安天花板呢?
CHARLEY I don't see no sense in it. You don't have to go this way. 查利:我是觉得这样没道理。你不必这样硬撑着。
CHARLEY Oh. (Pause) I'd like to take a trip to California. 查利:噢。(停顿)我想上加里福尼亚去一趟。
CHARLEY That's ain't easy for me to say. 查利:我说这话也不轻巧。
CHARLEY Well, talk about it. 查利:嗐,说说嘛。

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