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Superficial scratches can be easily removed.

Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) is a sample separation technology and it has the advantages of simplicity、good extraction efficiency、rapidity、great analyte selectivity、easy control reduced environmental hazard and so on. 摘要超临界流体萃取作为一种样品分离技术具有操作简单、高效、快速、选择性高、易于控制、环境友好等特点。
Superexcellent supplier in diamond abrasives! 钻石(金刚石)产品的优秀供应商!
Superfast normals (?/1, ?/1.2): Used for people who like limited depth of field, as well as for people who like to complain about limited depth of field. 超高速常规(?/1,?/1.2):当人们需要有限的景深的时候使用,同样适合哪些总是对景深有抱怨的人士。
Superficial changes won't fix what's wrong with us, however. 然而,外表的变化无法解决我们真正的问题。
Superficial epithelioma with sebaceous differentiation (SESD) is a rare, benign, histologically distinct skin tumor. 摘要表浅性上皮瘤伴皮脂细胞分化(SESD)是一个相当少见、良性、组织学上很独特的皮肤肿瘤。
Superficial scratches can be easily removed. 表面的划痕很容易擦掉。
Superficial scratches can be easily removed. 表层的划痕很容易除掉.
Superficial subcutaneous haematomas are particularly suitable for the verification of the absorption promoting effect of cutaneously administered compounds on corpuscular components and fibrin deposits of extravasates. 浅表皮下血肿特别适合用于验证连续应用化合物后,其对渗出物中细胞成分及纤维沉淀物的吸收促进作用。
Superficial thrombophlebitis must be considered as a risk factor of deep vein thromphlebitis are pain, reddening, swelling and induration. 浅表血栓性静脉炎被认为是深静脉血栓的危险致病因素,以疼痛、充血、水肿和硬化为特征。
Superficial thrombophlebitis remains a common complication of continuous intravenous infusion. 浅表血栓性静脉炎是持续静脉注射的常见并发症。
Superficially powerful, but suffers from loyalty problems as the emperor is elected, rather than inheriting the throne. 表面非常强大,但是帝国被忠诚问题所困扰,因为皇帝由选举产生而非世袭。

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