In our hotel we don't accept tips.
我们饭店是不收小费的。 |
In our jobs, we may have occasions to communicate with people in other countries or from other cultures.Whether we are buying, selling, consulting, or simply trying to obtain informatoin, we will need to get across ideas to an audience we are not used to
在我们的工作中,我们可能有机会同来自其他文化国度的外国人打交道.无论是做买卖、协商,还是仅仅获得信息,我们都需要使那些我们从未与之打过交道的人弄明白我们的意思。 |
In our large, self-contained building, the classrooms are spacious and well-equipped. Excellent instruction is provided in General English courses of 15, 20 or 25 hours per week.
学校所在大楼一应俱全,教室宽敞、设备完善,本校开设的一般实用英语课程,每周上课15、20或25小时,提供学生最佳的指导。 |
In our life and production, where should we use float?
在生产、生活中,哪些地方利用水的浮力? |
In our life – time we have to make a few stops along the way.
在我们人生旅途中,总要克服某些困难. |
In our life, do we obey those rules from God?
在我们的日常生活中,我们遵守了上帝的诫命了吗? |
In our life, we always hear someone say I've tried my best,but...' It seems as if things are done easily.Success belongs to him as long as a little efforts has been paid.
生活中,经常听到一些人叹息:“我觉得这件事已经做了努力,可就是……”好象做任何事情都是轻而易举的事,只要稍费一点尽,成功就应该属于他似的。 |
In our line of work, we don't like to make mistakes.
做我们这行的,比较不喜欢犯错。 |
In our lineup of health care products, the Cosmetics division is our crown jewel.
在我们生产卫生保健产品的一系列部门中,化妆品部是最具竞争力的拳头部门。 |
In our modernization drive we must always proceed from actual conditions in the country and conscientiously abide by objective laws.
我国现代化建设要始终坚持从国情出发,自觉遵循客观规律。 |
In our motherland hidden underground everywhere is a wealth of mineral resources.
祖国的地下到处都埋藏着丰富的矿产资源。 |