International A.N.S.W.E.R (Act Now to Stop War &End Racism).
(现在就行动起来,阻止战争,结束种族歧视!) |
International Air Fare: Upon the successful completion of the contract (Transportation must be economy class and the most direct route from the point of origin).
国际旅差费:于合同圆满完成前支付(受聘方国家最近距离经济舱单程国际机票)。 |
International Baosteel takes advantages of itself and its parent company to have established business coperation relationship and strategic partnership in the long term with customers.
宝钢国际利用自身以及母公司的优势与客户建立了长期的经营合作关系与战略伙伴关系. |
International Business Department seeks for improvement wherever we can in order to serve our customers to their entire satisfaction.
国际业务部从各方面完善自我,以提高客户满意度。 |
International Buyer Program delegations receive complimentary admission.
国际购买代表团将免费参展。 |
International Circulation>:I just want to differ the brachial blood pressure and arterial hardness value.
我想问一下肱动脉血压和动脉硬度这两个概念之间的差别。 |
International Circulation>:In recent years, the limitation of brachial blood pressure for BP-lowing evaluation has been known, while the obvious relationship between pressure gradient and cardiovascular events is found according to recent studies, some sc
近年来,上臂血压作为降压指标的局限性已被大家所公认,而许多研究显示脉压与心血管事件存在显著相关性,为此许多学者建议应将动脉血管硬度作为评价高血压和选择药物选择的重要指标。 |
International Circulation>:So this guideline will more balance the drugs? Different drug classes?
也就是说这个版本的指南会更多考虑平衡?不同药物类别之间的平衡? |
International Cooperation: Serve for enterprises and research institutes with technology fetch-in, investment collaboration, overseas business development, international conferences, international training, and international technology patent applications
国际合作:为企业和研究机构提供技术引进、投资合作、海外业务拓展、国际会议、培训、国际专利申请等服务。 |
International Data: Here you can find data on the U.S. balance of payments; U.S. exports and imports; foreign direct investments in the U.S.; U.S. direct investments abroad.
区域资料库:在此你可以找到在1977-98年实施普遍化优惠关税制度下各州与各区不同的衡量方式;1929-1999年各州及区域的年度个人所得;1969-1998年都市及乡村个人所得的区域性统计。 |
International Economic Review.
国际经济评论》刊载有关数理经济学、统计理论等经济学领域的研究论文。 |