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The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.

The greatest self-esteem builder is to be there in person. Nothing speaks more of value and love than giving your time. 增进自我评价的最佳方法就是身体力行。没有什么是比花时间去做更重要。
The greatest source of misery and hatred in this world is clinging to past hurts. 仇恨和痛苦最主要的来源常常是早已消逝的伤痛。”
The greatest success in life is to rise up from failure. 人生最大的成就,就是从失败中站起来。
The greatest success of the Tale of the Marshes is in its portrayals of a series of legendary hero-figures, which radiate with vivacity and vigor as well as differing individual traits. 清代的金圣叹特别欣赏《水浒传》的人物,他在点评《水浒传》时说:其他的小说看一遍就不想再看了,只有《水浒传》是百看不厌,因为“他把一百八个性格都写出来了”。
The greatest success so far has been in stimulating new blood-vessel growth in the heart to treat heart failure or in the limbs to correct faulty circulation. 迄今为止最大的成功是刺激新的心血管成长来治疗心脏病或纠正其畸形分支的循环系统。
The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile. 最伟大的击剑手完全错过了他的目标,然而他还在微笑着。
The greatest thing that can happen to save humanity is the coolness of love -- friendliness. 拯救人类的最好的东西,是爱的清凉——友情。
The greatest thing to be achieved in advertising,in advertising,in my opinion, is believability,and nothing is more believable than the product itself. 我认为,做广告最伟大的成就是让人信服;而没有任何东西比产品本身更能说服人。
The greatest touchstone of any work is time. 时间是检验一切的最好的试金石。
The greatest wall of China hides inside the human mouth: nothing is more insurmountable to travellers and residents alike than the hurdles of two vastly dissimilar languages. 中国最大的障碍在于语言:对游客和本地人来说,再没有比两种截然不同的语言更加难以逾越的障碍了。
The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they are still alive. 许多人最大的毛病都是,活着的时候很少向自己的爱人表达爱意。

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