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Japan exports to many countries.

Japan declared war on China. 日本向中国宣战。
Japan dispatched 6 aircraft carriers with 353 aircrafts. 日本出动了6艘航空母舰,携载353架飞机。
Japan eased its import ban on US beef. 日本解除对美国牛肉进口禁令。
Japan exercised her veto to block the resolution. 日本使用了否决权反对该项决议。
Japan exports marine products to other countries. 日本向其他国家出口海产品。(这叫“坐海吃海”。)
Japan exports to many countries. 日本向许多国家出口货物。
Japan for Taiwanese, is more and more important. 本文将试图去解释「什麽是哈日?
Japan grew more strongly than expected in the third quarter, with solid exports more than offsetting weak domestic consumption to produce real annualised growth of 2 per cent. 日本第三季度经济增长率高于预期,强劲的出口抵消了疲弱的国内消费对经济的影响,推动实际经济增幅折合年率达到2%。
Japan had already ordered new Aegis guided-missile destroyers with sophisticated radars, and Patriot missile batteries on land. 日本此前已经订购了配备精密雷达的新型“宙斯盾”导弹驱逐舰和陆基“爱国者”导弹连。
Japan had already taken a more assertive line towards North Korea after the missile tests in July. 日本在朝鲜7月份导弹试验之后就已对朝鲜采取了更主动的线路。
Japan had offered little until then but they almost sneaked a goal when Gilberto Silva very nearly turned Akira Kaja's cross into his own net after the right-back had been slipped in by Mitsuo Ogasawara. 第24分钟:直到现在日本还很少有进攻的机会,但他们差点就率先进球,小笠原满男晃过右后卫,加地亮的传中险些被吉尔伯托·席尔瓦撞入自家大门。

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