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Your sadness becomes heavy on the other person.

Your root is deep into a tomb forever, 你的根永远扎在坟墓里,
Your router's DNS settings may also have changed. 您的路由器的DNS设置可能也已经改变。
Your rudeness had offended many people. 你的粗鲁已激怒了很多人。
Your rudeness has gone past endurance-kindly leave my house! 你的无礼使我无法忍受--请离开我的家!
Your rulers are rebellious And companions of thieves; They all love bribes And chase after rewards; They do not defend the orphan, Nor does the widow's plea come before them. 23你的首领居心悖逆,与盗贼作伴;他们都喜爱贿赂,追求赃私,不为孤儿伸冤,寡妇的案件也不得呈到他们面前。
Your sadness becomes heavy on the other person. 你的悲哀变成其他人的重担。
Your safe coming back made us relaxed. 见您平安归来,我们感到放心了。
Your salary will be 12000 a year, withannual increments of 500. 你的年薪为12000英镑, 每年增加500英镑.
Your satisfaction be we pursue! 您的满意就是我们的追求!
Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 包你满意
Your satisfaction is just our pursuit! 您的满意,我们的追求!

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